II. Do You Dirty

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   Chapter 2,
    Do You Dirty

  " Mate, I was just brought back from the dead and even I know she'll do you dirty. "

~ Lorelei's POV ~

   As we walked to the front door of Connor's house, I felt like a shiver went down my spine and I shook a little bit violently, Stacy looked at me and didn't say a word but held my hand, there's a lot of untold stories that happened to us, except we just pretend that it doesn't exist or it never happened.
   We all have stories to tell but with or without the right time to tell them, we choose to push it down and focus on others rather than focusing on ourselves.

    Everyone's a little traumatized, some more than others and others less, I was in the more group with Stacy and Kendra but the boys? The boys were in the less group, because nobody dared to ruin their young and oh so very fragile minds.
   But you look at girls and ruin them until you believe that they don't deserve any more damage, I don't think I could have ever hate someone with my body and soul until two years ago, from then on, I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry myself to death.

   Unfortunately, I have friends who love me more than they love anyone else and would rather harm the person who makes me think this way than lose me, I think that's a beautiful and special thing as well.
   I was too much of a coward to do anything to myself but that didn't mean that I never thought of doing it and almost went through with the idea or plan, it just means that I'm scared of the outcome and wouldn't dare do anything.

  "Alright so I was thinking we go to the mall and buy some Halloween costumes."

   Connor suggested as we left his house and walked to his car, that wasn't a bad idea considering that I wanted to buy a costume and scare the socks out of little kids, I may be a sad, and lonely traumatized girl but I still have a sense of humor.
   We got into his car with me sitting in the back with Kendra, Stacy and Leo were sitting in the middle and Connor with JJ sitting up front, I sighed and took my phone out to check all of my notifications.

    I always have my phone on do not disturb for the reason that a lot of people text me or call me just to make me feel worse about myself, I blocked those people of course because I'm not an idiot but it does do some damage.
   But enough about that, I listened to the music that JJ played in the car and ignored all of my problems for the time being, it felt more stress relieving when you act as if there's nothing wrong with your life.

    But I wouldn't recommend it, I'm just an unwell person whose trying to get a pass in life without having to do anything spectacular or extraordinary, or do whatever the hell you want, I don't control you nor do I want to.

   "What do you think about this zombi costume?"

   Kendra asked as she held it up and pressed it against her body, I looked over to see it and gave her a thumbs up, she would be a good looking zombie, that's all I'm saying.
  Stacy and I wanted to do a matching costume kind of thing which excited me, I was happy knowing that she wanted to match, but then again I don't think I would wear it on Halloween.

    "We should go as vampires."

  Stacy grinned at me, I smiled back and nodded as she turned around and began looking for some matching vampire costumes, I looked around for JJ and Leo to make sure they don't get lost or get into any sort of trouble.
   Although I'm not worried about Leo, since I know he can take care of himself, I'm worried about JJ since he's a short guy that would get kicked straight in his nose if he said something dumb.

    The kid just doesn't think for some reason and the group always has to pay for it, but in midst of looking for them, I noticed Connor hitting on a girl who seemed as if she would ruin his life and leave without thinking twice.
   She was my kind of girl but definitely not Connors, so it was fun watching him try to get her phone number or even get her to go on a date with him.

    When it blew up in his face, he walked over to me and tried to play it off like she had a boyfriend  and that they agreed to pretend it never happened, poor kid.

   " Mate, I was just brought back from the dead and even I know she'll do you dirty. "

   I laughed silently before turning to Stacy as she handed me the costumes, I don't see what Kendra sees, everyone feels the way that I feel when it comes to their best friends.
  I see Stacy as a best friend, I just want everyone else to see it that way as well.

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