Cast and Backgrounds

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          Ross Lynch as Connor Jones

          Ross Lynch as Connor Jones

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                         The Leader

   Connor Jones is a nineteen year old hockey player that lives in a small town called Cornwall in Connecticut, Connor has lived there all his life and knew that there was nothing really exciting ever going on in his town.
   To pass his time, Connor would spend his time out with his friends and trying out new things, such as learning the town's myth and legends.

     Connor is titled the leader because he is usually the person that takes charge when it comes to creating plans for his friends, and so far nobody has ever fought against it.
  His personality was more of a dominant and assertive type, except he wasn't like an alpha male, instead he knew when he was wrong and when he was right.

   Connor has proved multiple times to his friends that he has nothing left to lose and would rather live a life that was filled with memories than live a life that had left nothing but thin air.

  " She's freaking gorgeous but she's, she's bat shit crazy man! "

  Callan McAuliffe as JJ Gregory

                    The Nonchalant One

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                    The Nonchalant One

    JJ Gregory is a sixteen year old bookworm that the friend group needs and loves, JJ is book smart which means if there is anything that the group needs, JJ will happily help out without any questions asked.
   Despite being the youngest of the group, JJ doesn't really mind it and still follows his group whether or not he likes it, just because he doesn't like being left alone or left out which is understandable.

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