Thomas sighed now feeling especially guilty for leaving his girlfriend here when he takes his other two friends. She's gonna be downright pissed.

"Okay. Let's go get him back."

"Oh but first." Newt placed his hand on Thomas's chest stopping him from entering the car. "What about Ev?"

Thomas pursed his lips and looked between the two other boys. "I need her to be safe."

"I mean, I completely agree and I assure you I don't want anything to happen to her..." Fry started as Thomas walked around to the passenger side and hopped in as Newt climbed in the back. "But she's gonna be really mad and I prefer to not get blamed for it."

Thomas chuckled as Fry started up the vehicle. "All right. You guys can blame it on me if you want."

"We were already going to, mate." Newt patted his shoulder before Fry pulled out onto the road leaving a girl who when she woke up, they knew would be furious...


...And she was

At first she woke up with a small grin thinking she was going to leave today to go get her best friend back and then they'd all make it back in time to go to the Safe Haven and maybe get rid of Ava and Janson as a bonus. What she did not expect was the reality of waking up without Thomas at her side like she did every other morning, instead she was only cuddling with his pillow.

Her initial thoughts consisted of him probably having to use the restroom or maybe getting a head start on planning their little detour. She was wrong. So very wrong.

She was now sat in her cot tying her shoes, muttering a string of profanities aimed at the boy who had up and left her when she was sleeping.

Those curses became slightly louder as her anger grew, the girl throwing on her jacket aggressively as she tied up her unruly hair.

"...shank, slinthead, lying son of a bitch, mother-"

"What happened?" Her muttering was cut off by Brenda who had just stepped past the curtain threshold after hearing her speak so many colorful words in one sitting. "Where's Thomas?"

     Evelyns laugh was nothing short of  unamused as she stuffed her things into her rucksack. "Oh he thought it would be fucking smart to go off alone to a place he knows is dangerous as fuck and doesn't even think to leave a fucking note." She angrily packed up her bag before throwing it on her shoulder and heading towards the exit.

     "Newt and Fry are gone too. They must've gone with him." Brenda said following behind already planning on not letting her go alone.

     "That bastard." She muttered again shaking her head before walking off.

     Evelyn cared for the boy deeply but rest assured he's going to wish he didn't leave her.

     "You're not going alone. Let me get the boys." Brenda chuckled sending Evelyn a look before walking back through the building.

     Evelyn kept checking her watch and tapping her foot as she waited for the trio to come out in the sunny morning light. If they left last night then they've probably gotten fairly far.

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