-Chapter II-

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Thomas was wide awake with Evelyn fast asleep on his chest. He had been waiting for her to fall asleep so he could leave knowing full well she'd be mad. He had to save Minho and it wasn't an easy task so that meant leaving her here so she'd be safe.

He looked down at her peaceful sleeping state, slowly bringing his hand that was rubbing her arm to a stop. He carefully lifted her up and off his chest as he stood, laying her back down on the bed placing a kiss on her forehead.

Before he made it even a step he felt his hand being grabbed by another causing him to turn around his eyes then landing on Evelyns hand that had wrapped around his own. Her eyes were opened a crease as she looked up at Thomas, the boy silently and unnoticeably freaking out having been caught.

"What're you doing?" She asked with a yawn.

He sighed running through the options in his head on if he should tell her or not before kneeling down in front of her and rubbing his thumb along her cheek causing her to look at him funny.

"You okay?" She questioned.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just wanted something to eat. I'll be right back." He'd made his decision and could only imagine the wrath that was sure to fall upon him once she found out.

She nodded letting her head fall back into the pillow, her eyes facing down as she snuggled into the not-so-soft sheet.

"Okay. Don't be gone too long. You're my blanket." She said, her voice muffled by the pillow her grip loosening on his hand slightly as he stood again and her sleep started to take over her again.

He could tell she'd already fallen back to sleep as he let her hand down gently and pulled the actual blanket up to her chin before quickly and quietly putting on his boots and jacket. He sent her one last look before exiting the curtain covered room.

Thomas snuck through the back of the building and past a few hammocks containing his friends but he wouldn't dare let them get into the certain danger that was the Last City.

He let out a breath after finally making it out of the building, searching his back to make sure no one tried to follow him and then...

"Where do you think you're going then?" His head whipped in the direction of the familiar voice as Newt stood in front of the jeep before flicking on a lamp.

Thomas let his arms hang in defeat having not been as sneaky as he thought he was. "Newt."

"Don't be a twat about it." Newts lips tilted up a little as he walked towards Thomas taking his backpack from him. "I'm already in."

"No, no. Not this time." Thomas said urgently as Newt threw his backpack into the back of the jeep. "Look, even if we find Minho there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then won't you?" Newt asked opening the driver door to reveal Fry leaning on the seat casually smiling back at Thomas.

The boy shook his head at the two knowing he wasn't going anywhere without them.

"We started this together. May as well end it that way too." Newt claimed crossing his arms and leaning against the jeep again as Fry nodded in agreement.

H E A L  -  the death cureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ