Cast and Backgrounds

Start from the beginning

    JJ passes his time either hanging in the library or helping his group out with a plan that they didn't think they would need help with, although you would think JJ would be really scared and jittery when having to participate in plans that can be deemed as dangerous, JJ is actually not bothered whatsoever.
   Instead, he's usually the first person to offer to check out if the plan is actually foolproof and solid before actually doing it.

   " That wasn't funny! I could have actually died you jerks! "

  Jonathan Daviss as Leo Campion

                     The Rational One

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                     The Rational One

   Leo Campion is an eighteen year old scholar who had just earned a full scholarship to his dream college that starts online rather than in person due to his unshaken social anxiety, which is something he didn't mind.
   Being friends with Leo is equivalent to being friends with your mother, he is always prepared for any mistakes and accidents, it's like he was a mother at heart rather than a teenage boy.

   Although he's not really cool with the ideas and plans that the group comes up with, he realizes that if he doesn't actually go with them then one of them will end up harmed or dead, and that wasn't sitting right with Leo.
  So, Leo won't help out the group unless they really need him or they are in danger and he feels his mama instincts kick in.

  " Great idea Connor, no really amazing! Now we have this snake queen after us because of you! "

    Amandla Stenburg as Stacy Rivera

                      The Comedic Relief

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                      The Comedic Relief

   Stacy Rivera is a seventeen year old skater, she finds comfort in the storm that rises whenever the sun is gone and realizes that she finds happiness in her own sadness, it's not healthy for her and she knows it but with all she's been through, it's all she's got.
   Knowing she's the comedic relief, Stacy makes sure to relieve the tense air with some stupid joke or explains something that shouldn't need to be explained just so people aren't as angry as before.

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