Prolouge- The past

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She ran.
She always seemed to be running.
Whether it was from enemies, her problems, etc. She was always running. But this time she was running from something bigger. Tamlin. Her mothers screaming for her to run still rang in her ears. Where the hell was Rhysand!!?? He promised he would always be here. She was usually able to hold her own, but not this time. Not with the ash arrows embedded in her back. She ran as fast as she could. She needed Rhysand. No matter how much she hated to admit it, she needed him, she was skilled yes, but he was still 3 years older than her, and she was just beginning to truly learn how to fight and how to use her magic.

She screamed as another ash arrows was fired into her back, but she kept running. Just as her mother told her to do. For her she would run, then she was at a cliff edge. She turned as she saw tamlin closing in on her. She prayed to the mother and cauldron that this wouldn't be her end. She looked over the cliff edge, and back to Tamlin. And jumped.

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