She linked my arm as we walked into the hall. All the eyes went to us, Balin was up on a pedestal ready for his speech and the company was all lined up with hundred of dwarves behind them, going up in steps. Dís looked to me, scared, like she was about to turn back but I kind of, lightly, pushed her forward. Once she was in, she couldn't go back. By herself, she walked over to her brother and son and had her moment. Everyone watched as she whispered things to Thorin, a smile creeping onto her face from time to time.

I went around the back and met with Kili in the line who was looking straight ahead. "Thank you, (Y/N). For getting my mother in here, it would break me if she didn't show."
"Well, she can't leave without saying goodbye to them," I paused before the emotions built "God, I am sorry Kili." My voice broke off into a whisper toward the end.

"Because of them, Azog is dead. All we can do is continue what my family started." Kili said still watching his mother who was now standing by Fili.
I wrapped an arm around Kili's torso and rested my head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss on the top of my head returned his gaze to Dís.

After a few minutes she began to wrap it up, she stood infront of the tombs as Balin cleared his throat and began his speech. "Dwarves, of middle-earth and beyond, we have all come together for the burial of King Thorin and Prince Fili." I could hear Dís let out a quick sob, Balin carried on "King Thorin was a king like no other, a man you could trust to protect his kingdom and the people within," He gulped before continuing

"I remember our first battle with Azog the Defiler. He defeated him with a single sword and a log of wood as a shield, and it was then that I knew he was a man I could from then on and forever call my king. But not only was he the best King the Lonely Mountain has ever seen...he was also an Uncle."

"Fili," Balin shifted his speech to the young prince "He was an important aspect to the family, the company of Thorin Oakenshield. I remember when he was just a little boy, he was always so lively and when him and his brother got up into mischief," He chucked to himself at the memory "Well, I still have a scar to prove it. He always put the safety of his brother before his own, from the death. And I don't think many dwarves are able to say that they had a brother like that." I gave Kiki's waist a small squeeze "He was so young," Balin pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek "And I think it hurts too much to continue, I could go on for hours."

"As part of the company of Thorin Oakenshield I can tell you over our journey we faced many challenges, many battles, and too many losses. Not only just two people part of our company, but the thousands of lives lost during the battle, and they will all be remembered. So, to conclude this event, Thorin and Fili will go down as legends. Saviours of the kingdom, royalty and they will have a special place in our hearts."

Balin held his sword in the air "Long live the prince!" Everyone pulled out their sword and I pulled out my dagger, it being the only weapon on me "Long live the prince!" The whole hall yelled. Everyone in the hall held their swords in the air, some axes, some maces. Everyone held up something. "Long live the king!"
"Long live the king!" We all yelled at the same time.

Dís let out out another sob when two guards closed were closing the tombs. Dain walked over to Dís and tried to calm her down but she only pushed him away. "No." She said whilst crying "Why? WHY!" She cried. She was on the floor on her knees with her head in her hands. Someone who was so strong is in pieces on the floor. It was heart shattering to watch.

Kili walked forward and slowly over to his mother. He gently grabbed her hand "Come on Mother. It's okay." He whispered gently. Dís wiped her face and stood up and with the tears flooding her face with wide brown eyes and I could help but notice that she looked like...a young girl. A young dwarf who loved her brother more than anything and received the gift of two young boys with her whole life ahead of her. But now she's older and it all seems to be destroyed, taken, right in-front of her eyes.

She tightly held onto Kili's hand as he guided her over to us. She cried out little things out like "It can't be" and "Why them?" It felt awful to watch her sob as Thorin and Fili were lowered into the ground. Dís was holding onto Kili and Kili was looking straight ahead. The tombs were gone. It was official. Fili And Thorin Oakenshield are gone.

The funeral is over. Dís ran out the room and Kili let her. All of the dwarves left one by one, the company did the same. It was just myself, Kili and Nori. I rubbed Nori's shoulder and smiled at him reassuringly. He nodded and left the hall, leaving just me and Kili.

"It's late," I said "I'm going to turn in for the night."
"Alright, I'll be up soon." He nodded. "Goodnight."
"Night." He kissed me before I left the hall, the sound of the heavy doors banging echoed down the hallway. I flinched at the loud bang, worried I woke anyone. When I didn't hear any movement I made my way up to our bed chamber, leaving Kili with his own thoughts and emotions. I just hope he's going to be okay.


I can't sleep. I'd been tossing and turning all night because so much is crowding my mind, I needed to go on a walk. Carefully, I slipped out from under the protective arm that was wrapped around me, hoping I won't wake the dwarf beside me. He stirred a bit before burying his face back into the pillow and remaining in his deep sleep.

As quietly as I could, I crept around the bed and towards the door which I shut behind me without a single creek. Everyone had been asleep for hours, at least I thought, so I was free to roam the many halls of the mountain. However, as I was coming to pass the room where the king lays I could hear a voice, talking. I took a few steps forward so I was standing below the grand archway and by Thorin's tomb...I could see a little hobbit.

Bilbo. His back was pressed up against the tomb and he was lightly moving his feet about as his mouth moved. He was talking to Thorin. My heart shattered for him as I couldn't help but watch without a word. He was playing with his hands as he was talking to Thorin, I could just about hear him.

"You know I caught her making off with the silverware once. Lobelia Sackville-Baggins... Dreadful woman." He grimaced but I couldn't help it as a grin crept onto the left side of my face. "But her siblings aren't so bad," He continued, slightly angling his head back, he though for a second before a thought flashed into his mind and he pointed a finger in the air "Actually, one time I did see them snooping around my bookshelf, very nosy family I tell you."

"They thought I was dead when I came home," He barked out a laugh "Can you believe tha-" He stopped when his eyes trailed ahead of him to see me. "Ah," He thinned his lips "(Y/N)." My eyebrows pulled together as I asked the question that had a complicated answer "Are you okay, father?"

A frown dropped onto his face before he let out a long, sad sigh. "I'm trying to be." Was all he said. I walked over to him and sat beside him and placed my head onto his shoulder "I know you are," I said "We all are." Bilbo grabbed my hand which was resting on my lap and gave it a comforting squeeze. We'll all be okay eventually.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora