He Will Have War

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It was dawn and the company had met at the wall. We were all dreading this moment, this could be the day someone declares war and we be killed.
We all had our weapons. I had my sword and my daggers, Bofur, Bombur and Gloin were holding spears with these funny hats on. I stood next to Kili who was standing beside Thorin.

The army of elves had made their way to the mountain. Before it looked like there only a couple hundreds but I was wrong, there are thousands of elves ready for battle. The people of Lake-Town have followed the elves, they had found decent weapons but some of their shields and other weapons were made up of objects they must have found in Dale. Every single one of them was armed to kill.

Bard and Thranduil were making their way through the elves. Bard was riding the same white stallion as yesterday and Thranduil was riding an elk, it snorted as it came to a hault in front of us when Thorin shot an arrow at its hooves. "I will put the next one between your eyes." Thorin challenged whilst pulling his bowstring back.

All of the dwarves shouted and cheered to show support for their king. Thraunduil held his glance on Thorin with a spine-chilling smile. As if on cue all of the elves, in sync with each other, loaded their bows and aimed it right at us. Everyone but Thorin was quick to exclaim and duck behind the wall, which I must admit included me. These elves were intimidating and everyone knew that, even Thorin.
Thranduil held his hand up, signalling to his army to lower their weapons, they followed his order in a matter of seconds.

A gentle gust of wind make my hairs stand. "We have come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered, and accepted." Payment?
"What payment? I gave you nothing!" Thorin yelled "You have nothing!" Bard reached into his coat and pulled at something that shocked us all. The Arkenstone. But how? But I thought-

I shot my head to Bilbo who was looking as guilty as ever. He must had made a deal or some trade with Thranduil and Bard. If Thorin finds out...he will literally kill him. Everyone was trying to process how he has the Kings Jewel, I was doing the same. The jewel twinkled and and glowed many different colours it's beauty contrasted the pain it gives.

"We have this." Bard held up the jewel, showing it to Thorin which made him furious. I was standing there trying to process my thoughts until I could see Kili next to me frown and become angry. "They have the Arkenstone. Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house!" Kili shouted "That stone belongs to the king!" I swung my head back to him, frightened of his burst of anger "Kili." I whispered but his eyes remained set forward.

"The king may have it," Bard tossed the stone around in his hands "with our goodwill. But first, he must honor his word." Thorin shook his head in disbelief. "They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse. A filthy lie," he hissed "The Arkenstone is in this mountain! It's a trick-"
"It's no trick." Oh no. I turned to see Bilbo standing there, he knew he was going to regret what he is about to say. "The stone is real. I gave it too them." Thorin's eyes became dark as he slowly turned to Bilbo. My heart was pounding, concerned for the safety of my father. "You?"

"I took it as my 14th share," Bilbo said calmly.
"You would steal from me?" I don't know what it was but there was something about Thorin that scared me to my core. "Steal from you? No. I may be a burglar but I like to think I'm an honest one. I am willing to let it stand against my claim."

"Against your claim?" Thorin voice sound scarier than before, I slowly stepped forward worried Thorin should sense my fear. "Your claim?" Thorin said in disgust. "You have no claim on me," he slammed his sword onto the floor which bounced with a loud clang. "You miserable rat!"

I flinched at Thorin yelling at Bilbo, somehow Bilbo has managed to stay calm and not freak out. I don't think ive said this yet but I must say, Bilbo has come a long way and that makes me proud to be his daughter. "I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." I admired Bilbo as he held his feet firm on the ground.
"But what thief?" Thorin growled. Bilbo inches closer to Thorin. "You are changed, Thorin. The Dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!" Bilbo yelled.

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