B: "Right...I haven't made anything since we got back...I'll see what's there that isn't expired or something, probably will have to go to the store soon anyways."

Bryce sat up and made his way into the kitchen, peering into the fridge to see what's there. He noticed he still has eggs, actually a lot of eggs, like an unnecessary amount of eggs, why does he have a sh*t ton of eggs? No-one needs that many eggs. But as stupid as it may seem, just looking at the eggs sparks a memory. The morning he let Liam in. He had asked the backpack to watch over the eggs while we went to get the mail, only to come back to them burnt, while he was annoyed at the time, it's something funny to look back on, especially Liam's stupid smile he made when Bryce checked on the eggs. That stupid smile, that stupid cute smile. The fridge began to beep as it was open for too long, snapping Bryce out of his little gay thoughts, he took a carton out of the fridge and got a pan ready. Airy turned around in the chair to face the bottle.

Ai: "What are you..making..?"

B: "Eggs."

Ai: "Oh..okay.."

The pair sat in the apartment, the silence being covered by the sounds of the eggs sizzling on the pan when Bryce cracked them onto it. Airy turned back around to the laptop and typed once again.

Ai: [I think I'm going to wait until Bryce is done cooking and we've both ate before working on this, is that okay?|]

T: [That's fine, can't exactly work on an empty stomach, can you?|]

Ai: [I guess. You can go watch some cat videos or whatever it is you do while you're waiting, I don't remember how long cooking eggs takes.|]

T: [It shouldn't take too long, if Bryce doesn't let them burn and I'll do just that, there's a cat compilation I want to resume.|]

The lantern nodded to the computer as it closed the notepad and website, opening up another tab which seemed to be YouTube or something and a video began playing on low volume. Airy placed one of his hands on his front button and the other on his topper. He could feel the smoothness of the copper before it turned to a slight rusty texture. Some parts on his topper began to oxidize over the ten years he spent in the forest, normally he'd have something to prevent this stuff from happening but after he died, he couldn't do anything about it, but hey, maybe a blueish-green would suit him. The sizzling came to a stop but Airy didn't bother to take notice, he was busy thinking about how he'd look with a new colour. The eggs had finished and Bryce had slid them onto two plates, two eggs on each one. He put the pan and spatula into the sink to wash later and turned back to the counter. Before giving the eggs to Airy, Bryce made the decision to look in one of his presses (or cabinets, I don't know what you, the reader, calls them.) to look for something. He found a pan (loaf) of bread, still in it's packaging and it was still in date, Bryce took out four slices and placed two on each plate with the eggs and before he forgets, he takes out two forks as well. He then brought them over to the table, giving Airy his own plate and fork.

Ai: "Thanks.."

B: "...No problem..."

Ai: "What's the..bread for..?"

B: "It's for if you want to make a sandwich or dip it into the yolk."

Ai: "It..seems too big for..the yolk.."

B: "That's why you'd tear it into strips first, so it's small enough to dip. Here I'll show you."

The soda bottle takes a slice of bread off his own plate and tears a strip off of it, the yolk got covered with a bit of the egg white, so before dipping it, Bryce broke it open with his fork. He held the strip up to Airy and showed the lantern him dipping it into the yolk, eating it afterwards. Bryce took a quick notice to the expression on Airy's face, he looked amazed at what the soda bottle showed him.

(A/N Funny little note but have you guys ever done that? I remember when I was smaller and used to eat eggs (really only the yolk) my ma and nanny (mom and grandma) used to give me sliced bread or toast to dip in the yolk and they called them "soldiers".)

Ai: "Woah.."

B: "What?"

Ai: "I haven't seen..or remember anyone..doing that before.."

B: "Wait, so did I just basically teach you a new way to eat eggs?"

Bryce started to laugh near the end of that sentence, he was genuinely finding it funny that he taught a man that was near enough double his own age, if not older, how to eat eggs with bread.

Ai: "Seems like it.."

T: [Nah, ain't no way you just taught some forty year old dude how to eat eggs 🖐️💀|]

B: "Shut up Texty, like you can eat."

T: [B*tch, at least I don't need to be taught how to do basic things.|]

Ai: "At least..I can do those basic things.."

B: "OH!"

T: [>:O|]

B: "How do you come back from Airy saying that?"

Texty simply did not respond to the question, they just typed out a rolling eyes emoji all the while Bryce began to laugh his a** off, never did he think that the one and only Airy would make an attempt to "roast" someone like that. Granted, it was bad but it was funny to hear it from the lantern himself. Airy soon began joining in on the laughter as odd as it might have seemed. Although he never would have thought of it, it appears that the soda bottle is getting along with the lantern, perhaps it wasn't so bad.

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