"That will not be necessary. I have already bought his books." Severus said stiffly, pushing the books Lockhart was trying to hand Harry away. "And his name is Harry Snape."

Lockhart's face fell slightly but he seemed to regain himself. "Well, that's wonderful! You must be eager to start reading my work Harry. And Professor Snape, it will be a great pleasure to work with you. Any advice or knowledge you need just let me know!"

Severus's face turned murderous and caused Lockhart to fall back a step. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, especially when I need a good laugh." He hissed.

Lockhart flushed and turned away from them, going back to his table to sign autographs.

Harry bit his lip to keep from laughing although his Dad noticed and gave him a mild glare. "Is there something amusing son?"

"Yes, that was funny." Harry answered honestly.

"How did I end up with such a cheeky son?" Severus grumbled as they made their way down the path.

"Luck, I guess." Harry shrugged. He grinned. "Aw, come on Dad. You wouldn't have me any other way right?"

Severus glanced down and noticed that even though his son was joking, there was still a slightly anxious look in his green eyes. He knew, even without his son voicing it, that Harry was worried about being rejected. A fear that was courtesy of his disgusting relatives no doubt.

"Believe it or not, I would indeed not have you any other way." Severus assured him, putting an arm around his shoulders as they made their way to the floo network.

Once they got home, Harry deposited his books into his room and then came out holding his broom. "Can-may I go flying Dad?"

"Don't you want to look through your new books?" Severus asked with a smirk. Seeing Harry's face fall he relented. "Yes, you may. Actually, while you are flying I will be leaving to go on an errand. I should not be more than an hour. Hagrid should be out there and can keep an eye on you and I will let the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall know that I am out in case you need anything."

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I can handle being on my own for an hour. I'm just going to be flying anyway." His eyes widened a bit when his Dad stared hard at him. "I mean, yes sir."

This time it was Severus's turn to roll his eyes. "Just behave while I am gone. And remember, no dangerous flying stunts or your broom will be mine. Understood?"

"Yes Dad." Harry said obediently. As he opened the door to leave their quarters he looked back at his dad questionably. "What errand?"

"It is nothing of concern. Simply a task I have been meaning to get to for several weeks." Severus said smoothly. He shooed his son away and shut the door. After sending a patronus to Albus and Minerva about keeping an eye on Harry, he gathered a few vials from his lab and then proceeded to leave the castle, walking to the outside gates so he could apparate.

Petunia Dursley was humming to herself as she cleaned the kitchen counter. She was happy that her horrible nephew was gone for good although she did miss having him around to do all the chores. She turned around just as Severus Snape popped into the room.

"You again!" Petunia gasped. She narrowed her hateful eyes. "We don't want the boy back. If you are tired of him, take him to an orphanage or something."

Severus stared at her in disgust. "You truly are the vilest of creatures, muggle and wizard alike. I had hoped to see some remorse in how you treated my son but I suppose that was wishful thinking on my part."

"I never wanted him." Petunia said stubbornly. She refused to acknowledge that she had been wrong in how she had treated her nephew.

"So that excuses the abuse you and your family put him through? He's an innocent child!" Severus yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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