Chapter 11

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Severus took a deep breath and tried to control his temper. He had wanted to assign detention for a month during Percy Weasley's little outburst but as it was summer, he could not. Come September though, he thought darkly. He turned to Harry who was staring at his mostly untouched plate. "Are you okay? Do you want to go home?"

Harry did, actually. He also wanted to follow Percy and scream at him for being such a pompous git and for his assumptions and also defend his Dad. He wanted everyone in the room to stop staring at him with looks of pity. And most of all, he wanted to break down and just cry.

"No, it's okay." Harry said instead, looking up into his father's worried eyes. He tried for a reassuring smile but it came out as more of a grimace.

Conversation started up at the table, everyone making small talk which Harry eventually joined in. The rest of dinner went smoothly and Harry was surprised when Ron and Hermione each handed him a present. "Belated birthday gifts." Hermione said warmly. "I hope you like it!"

"Open them up Harry!" Ron encouraged before taking another bite of pumpkin pie.

Harry obeyed; laughing at the disgusted look on Hermione's face as Ron practically devoured the pie.

"Cool, thanks Hermione!" Harry said happily as he held up the latest book on Quidditch moves.

Hermione smiled. "You're welcome. I was going to get you your own copy of Hogwarts, A History but decided to get you something you would actually read."

Harry snickered as he showed the book to his dad. Severus nodded politely as he looked it over yet all he could think about was what dangerous moves Harry would try to copy. He caught Albus giving him a knowing look as though he knew what he was thinking and Severus scowled in reply.

"This is from the whole family." Ron said as Harry unwrapped the next present. "Although we can take Percy's name off the card since he is such a prat."

"Ron." Mr. Weasley sighed, not wanting Percy brought up while Harry was back to enjoying himself.

"Well, he is." Ron muttered and even Hermione looked like she agreed.

"This is awesome!" Harry said as he held up the small wizard chess set. "I've been practicing." He informed Ron.

"Yeah?" Ron asked with interest. "We should play then." He had a competitive gleam in his eyes.

"Uh, I think I need to practice more first." Harry backpedaled, knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against his friend. He was still learning how to play properly from his dad, who was still able to beat him effortlessly. Harry was convinced his dad could be brewing a complex potion and beat him at chess at the same time.

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat. "I have a gift for both of you. When I heard your news I immediately went to find it." He handed a wrapped present to Severus.

Severus opened the gift which was a framed picture of the students in his newt's charms class. Severus and Lily were both in it and everyone was waving to the camera, although Lily was trying to make Severus wave as well.

"Ahh I remember this." Severus gazed at the photo fondly. "I had forgotten about this picture. Charms was Lily's favorite subject, potions a close second."

Harry laughed when he saw the picture and to his surprise, felt tears fill up his eyes. He shook his head to clear them and felt a warm hand on his shoulder. "She would be so proud of you Harry." Severus said softly in his ear. "Just as I am."

Not going to cry, not going to cry, Harry chanted to himself though he couldn't help leaning into his dad for a brief hug. "Thanks." He whispered, not caring that everyone at the table was watching them.

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