Chapter 8

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A couple of days later Harry was just landing on the ground after an hour of flying when he noticed Hedwig flying his way. She circled above him for a moment and then settled on his shoulder, holding out her leg. "Thanks Hedwig." Harry said taking the two letters she offered him. He ran his hand down her back and she hooted and then flew off to the owlery.

Harry looked down at his letters. One was from Hermione and the other from Ron. He had sent his letter to them two days ago explaining everything that had happened since he had received his mother's message. He decided to open Hermione's first.

Dear Harry,

My goodness, I couldn't believe it when I read your letter! Finding out that Professor Snape is your father must have been quite a shock. Are you really okay? I was relieved when I read that he was treating you well and I am happy that you do not have to live with the Dursley's anymore, they sound truly horrid. You are so lucky to be living at Hogwarts, you can visit the library anytime you want and get the best resources for your homework! It would be great to see you this summer and perhaps visit Hogwarts? Can you ask your Dad? I want to hear more about the memory charm and see what you look like now. Write back soon!



Harry chuckled to himself as he finished reading. It was typical Hermione to be excited at the thought of living where there was a huge library. She seemed to take the news in stride, had even said to ask his Dad if she could visit. He remembered that his dad had mentioned that they could. Harry proceeded to open Ron's letter.


What in Merlin's Beard do you mean you are Snape's son! That just can't be possible that you are the son of that git! He hates you; I'm surprised he didn't take points for you daring to be related to him! Okay, now that I have gotten that off my chest, are you sure you are okay? He really isn't being horrible to you? It's hard to imagine mate but as long as you are happy...the twins and I got grounded for using our Dad's flying car (it was so cool by the way!) but when we are off grounding maybe you could come visit or I could come there? Got to see what my best friend looks like now after all...


Harry's face broke into a relived grin as he read Ron's letter. He still wanted to be friends! And he couldn't blame Ron for disbelieving that Harry was actually happy that Snape was his dad. Ron would see though, that Snape was different now. He was still strict but not mean or cruel anymore. Well, at least not to Harry. He actually didn't know how Snape would be with his friends.

"Ello Arry! Bin gettin in some more flying?" Hagrid greeted him as he passed him in the hallway.

"Yeah, it's great to be able to practice! I won't have to worry about being rusty when school starts back up." Harry said, leaning on his broomstick to look up at the kind and very tall big man.

"Doubt yeh even need it, you're the best player Hogwarts has seen in years!" Hagrid exclaimed.

Harry grinned. "Thanks Hagrid!"

"Ah, still can't git over it, yeh really do look jus like yeh dad!" Hagrid said in a cheerful voice. He had been surprised yet happy that Harry had a family now.

Harry nodded. He was used to his new appearance now and didn't even think about it much anymore. "I'll see you later Hagrid." He gave a wave and continued to the dungeons to ask his dad about his friends visiting him. He really wanted to talk to them about everything and get their honest opinions on if he should start calling Snape, Dad. He thought of him as his dad now but hadn't actually called him that yet. He still referred to him as sir or Severus.

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