Chapter 12

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The rest of summer seemed to fly by for Harry. It had been the best summer he had ever had and he was sorry to see it end. Keeping his word, Severus had taken him back to the cottage and Harry had been able to decorate his room anyway he wanted and helped his dad restock the lab that was there. They had also bounced stones on the stream and talked. Harry had been curious to know how his dad would handle his slytherins.

"They probably won't be very happy." Harry had told him.

Severus had smirked. "There may be some that have issues with it. I have earned most of the students in my house respect so I actually do not anticipate too many problems. There will be a few that may act out which I will swiftly deal with, of course."

"Even Malfoy?" Harry had asked, trying to sound casual.

"Yes, even Mr. Malfoy. I have known him since he was very young, though unfortunately the older he gets the more spoiled and selfish he gets. I had to appear to favor certain students when I thought I would spy but now I can treat them as any other student." Severus had favored his son with a mock stern look. "Including you, Mr. Snape."

"You mean I won't be able to get out of homework or tests?" Harry had put on a sad face.

"Absolutely not." Severus had smirked. "In fact, I will be keeping in contact with all your professors on how your work and behavior is in class so consider yourself warned."

Harry had gulped a bit at that, causing his dad to laugh. The thing was Harry knew his dad meant every word.

A week before school began they went to Diagon Alley to get Harry's schoolbooks. This time, people did approach them including a few reporters who were tipped off that they were there. Severus did a lot of scowling and snarling when they kept getting interrupted from their shopping. Finally he had had enough and banished one of the reporters camera's with a fierce scowl on his face and they had finally been left alone. Mostly. They had still been stared at and some of Harry's fellow classmates who were buying their own books had openly stared.

Harry spotted Neville Longbottom a few stores down and waved and was happy when Neville waved back, though Neville looked nervously at Severus before following his grandmother into Madam Malkin's shop. When Harry and his dad queued for his books, Severus glared at the man who was talking to reporters and had a crowd of people surrounding him, signing books and taking pictures with the customers.

"Who is that?" Harry asked, nodding to the man who didn't appear to stop smiling once.

"That," Severus said distastefully. "Is Gilderoy Lockhart. Your new defense against the Dark Arts teacher."

Harry looked at the grinning man warily. "Oh. Do you think he will be any good?"

Severus snorted. "No. He is nothing but a smile and a fraud."

"Then why did Dumbledore hire him?" Harry asked as they paid for his books.

"Professor Dumbledore." Severus automatically corrected. "To answer your question, I have no idea. My guess is that were no other applicants for the job."

Well, there goes having a good defense class Harry thought glumly. He liked learning about defense and had hoped for a competent teacher this year. As well as one who was not trying to kill him. They started to leave the store when Harry heard his name called.

"Harry Potter, correct? Look everyone! Harry Potter, my soon to be student at Hogwarts!" Lockhart announced, looking smugly around the room. "Of course, he is here to buy my books and learn all about defense against the dark arts. Little did he know that I would be giving him a free set!" He gave a brilliant smile as everyone applauded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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