Chapter 7

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Harry woke up the next morning feeling a little confused as to where he was. It took a moment for the events of the previous day to come back to him. He sat up in his bed, his eyes roving over his new room. He loved it. He had only had it for a day and it felt more like his own than any room at the Dursley's had or even the dorms. He made his bed and got changed before going to the kitchen for breakfast. It felt strange not to be in a hurry because he had to make breakfast for three people. With a smile he remembered last night when he had viewed his dad's pensive and the tomatoes his Mum had been craving when she was expecting him. She felt more real to him now and he was grateful that his dad had shared his memories of her.

Wondering what he would do for the day, he decided to write to Ron and Hermione. Of course, he had no idea had to start a letter to them. How did one write his best friends and tell them he had a new father, new look and a new last name? And that his father was the one professor they all had hated and had believed to be stealing the sorcerer's stone?

Dear Ron,

Remember how we called Snape the bat of the dungeons? Guess what? It turns out I'm bat of the dungeons junior! Visit soon!

Harry shook his head as he made his way to the kitchen. No, that wouldn't work. He needed to break it to his friends gently and yet get them to understand that he was happy about the new developments, that Snape being his dad was a good thing.

"Good morning." Severus greeted as Harry walked into the kitchen. He was cooking at the stove and levitated a glass of pumpkin juice over to the table. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Good morning. I thought the house elves cooked?" Harry said as he sat down and took a sip of juice.

Severus turned off the stove and went to sit across from Harry, plates of food following him and arranging themselves on the table. "If I'm in my quarters I usually do my own cooking. Yesterday was an exception for your birthday. Some wizards use house elves for everything and I believe that just makes a person lazy, especially when we can already use magic to help us. Besides, I do not mind cooking."

"Oh. I can cook sometimes too." Harry offered, feeling a little guilty as that used to be his chore. "I'm not too bad at it."

"Hmm, with all your practice I would imagine not." Severus said, still feeling anger towards the Dursley's. He still wasn't sure if he should go back and make certain that they understood that how they had treated his son was wrong. There were plenty of things he could do that would make them miserable without risking azkaban, he thought with a smirk. "You can help me cook whenever you want to. Perhaps help clear the table when we are through?" He didn't want Harry to think he had to work to earn his keep or approval, yet moderate chores were a good tool in teaching responsibility.

"Sure." Harry dug into his hash browns. "I want to write to Ron and Hermione today but I am not sure how to break the news."

"Ahh..." Severus suddenly smirked a bit. "I got a bit of interesting news from Professor Dumbledore considering Mr. Weasley today. Apparently, he and the twins flew their father's car to the Dursley's-"

"Flew a car?" Harry gaped at his dad and then flushed when he realized that he had interrupted him. "Sorry sir."

Severus eyed his son with a slightly stern look for the interruption and then nodded. "Yes, Arthur Weasley had charmed the car to fly and his sons took it to your relative's house."

"Why would they do that?" Harry asked, shocked and a little curious as to what flying a car would be like.

"They were worried about you since Mr. Weasley had not heard from you all summer." Severus explained. "Their intentions were admirable although the way they went about it was dangerous as well as risking the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery."

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