Ten minutes later Harry, Ron and Hermione had been given permission to walk around the school as long as they did not go anywhere forbidden.

"Blimey Harry, it's so strange seeing Snape being, well, a dad." Ron said as they turned the corner of a hallway.

"The way he acted tonight, it was as if he had always been your parent." Hermione added. She frowned. "I mean, he was always your parent but it was as if he had always known he was your parent. I mean-"

Harry laughed. "It's okay Hermione, I know what you mean."

"Why are we standing in the library?" Ron made a face as he realized where Hermione had slyly led them.

Hermione simply threw him a smug look as she took a book of a shelf and began flipping through it. "I need another source for one of my essays. It's finished but I wanted to add more information."

Harry and Ron exchanged an amused look as they sat down at one of the tables.

"I really am sorry about Percy." Ron said seriously. "He did act a little odd when we were told the truth but I had no idea he would react so strongly. I know he does think all slytherins are bad but we all sort of did." He shrugged. "I guess not all slytherins are bad."

Harry sighed. Percy's attitude, though surprising, was what he had to look forward to from most people. "Just because someone is sorted into Slytherin, it does not mean they are bad." He said. "My Dad isn't bad and like I said before, I was almost sorted into Slytherin. It's just like all Gryffindor's are not brave. I mean, the man who betrayed my mum and James was James' best friend and a fellow Gryffindor."

Hermione joined them at the table, her eyes thoughtful. "That must be hard; being sorted into a house and everyone else suddenly treats you as if you are evil."

"A lot of them act like they are." Ron said bluntly. "Like Malfoy." His eyes widened and a slow grin spread across his freckled face. "Blimey, can you imagine his reaction? He always acted like he was Snape's favorite!"

Harry grinned. "Yeah, I bet he was surprised when he heard! Can't wait to see how he acts at school."

"You don't think your dad will favor him over you still do you?" Ron asked worriedly.

Hermione huffed. "Of course he wouldn't! It's clear to anyone with half a brain how much Professor Snape loves Harry."

Harry stared at her. He knew that was true, that his dad did love him but it was the first time someone else had pointed it out. "He does love me." Harry said quietly. He told them about the pensive and the cottage and making potions with his dad.

"Wow Harry, you must have learned so much this summer! Getting to make all those potions and pastes for the infirmary." Hermione sighed dreamly.

"Do you guys think I should call him Dad?" Harry blurted out. He flushed a little at their surprised looks. "It is how I think of him but I haven't actually called him that yet."

"Just call him Dad when you feel ready." Ron said with a shrug. "He's not insisting that you do is he?"

"No. He said I could call him Severus for the time being." Harry answered.

"Do you want to call him dad?" Hermione asked with a compassionate look on her face. She figured Harry was nervous about it because he had never thought he would get to call anyone dad, ever. It must be a lot to take in.

Harry was silent for a moment. "Yes." He answered finally, his face relaxing slightly. "It's who he is now. I guess I was afraid to voice it because I worried that all this would somehow end."

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