How Many Ways

122 9 1

Chris POV
I stood in the corner of Toni's dressing room as I watched her pace back and forth.

I wish there was something that I could do to help her. Towanda and Trina were still missing.
Toni stopped to look at me after we heard a knock from the door.

"I got it— No let me" Toni cut me off
before running to the door.

"Hey Craig" she said.

"Hey Toni, uh we gotta delay the
show until we find the girls"

Toni looked at me as she sat there in silence.
I could see the confusion and worrisome in her eyes.

"Okay Craig do what you have to do"

"We'll keep the crowd distracted for now and play them some music for another fifteen minutes, okay"

"Okay, Thank you"

Toni looked at me as my phone rang.
Looking at me phone my face was puzzled to see it was a forgiven number. I felt Toni wrap her arms around me and lay her head on my chest as I answered the phone.


"CHRIS! Thank god you answered!"


Toni looked up at me as soon
as she heard her sisters name.

"Give me the phone" Toni whispered.

"Please don't tell Toni"

"Why" I questioned.

"Because I know she's already mad and I don't want to piss her off anymore—

Before she could finish Toni snatched the phone out of my hands and walked off with it.


My jaw dropped I never heard Toni use that tone before.

"Oh my god y'all want me to have a heart attack"
Toni said before sitting down.

It got quiet as Toni sat there on the phone.
I waited for her to say something.

"Here" she said handing me the phone.

"Hey I need you to pick us up" I heard
Towanda's voice.

"From where?"


"Towanda" I whined in disappointment.

"I got it baby don't worry" I said before kissing Toni's forehead and running out of her room.

Toni POV

"Where's Chris" Craig asked looking worried.

"I don't know Craig. How is my crowd?"

"There chanting your name" he chuckled.

All of a sudden we heard a big noise outside of the door. Craig jumped to the door to open it to see Chris outside with the girls.

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