Did I Stutter

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I hung up and pulled right off of the parking lot. I flew to Toni's house. I got out of my car and rung on her door bell. One of her kids opened the door "CHRIS BROWN WAIT WHAT!? IS THIS A DREAM!"

Toni POV
I was doing some work on my laptop upstairs and making calls for this tour. Till I heard Deziel downstairs yelling "CHRIS BROWN."

I knew Chris was here but why? I jumped up took off my glasses and ran downstairs.

"Deziel let him in" "Mom you know him?!"
"Yes son we're friends, follow me Chris"
I lead Chris to the kitchen and checked if the boys followed us.

"What are you doing here." "Something happened today and your the first person that came to mind to talk too" he said sitting down at the kitchen island.

I rubbed his back and kissed his head. "What happened I'm listening."

"I got a new number and everything. This girl had been out of my life for years and she calls me on some crazy shit." My eyebrow raised "Who called?"

"Rihanna" he whispered putting his face in his two palms. He looked up at me "I hung up on her she's crazy, I want you!"

"I believe you" I said rubbing his head.
"Thank God" he said.

"Now call her back" "Huh"
"Did I Stutter, Call the bitch back" I said calmly leaning on the counter next to him.

"Okay" he started to call her back.
The phone rang for 6 seconds and she answered.
"I knew you'd call back' she said cocky.

I snatched the phone from his hand.
"Don't call my man again and this won't get ugly." I hung up his phone and threw it against the wall.

"TONI WHATS WRONG WITH YOU" he was furious.
"You got 5 more phones at home"
"Yes for work and business" he said standing up over me. "Look I'll buy you a new phone and get a new number too. So she can't call you back."

The boys came running to the kitchen. "Mom are you okay we hear— Wooahhh IS THAT CHRIS BROWN" Denim cut off Deziel.

"Told you moms friends with Chris Brown." Denim dabbed up Chris. "Nice to meet you two" Chris said smiling at the boys.

"Are you guys making a song" Deziel asked.
"Yes mommy's working with Chris Brown" I said looking at Chris.

"Can you leave us alone for two minutes please" I asked them. "Yes mom" they walked away sad.

"They look just like you" Chris smiled.
He grabbed my waist and kissed my forehead before hugging me. "Everything's gonna be okay I promise. Hey since we're not a secret anymore. When will you introduce me to them as your man."

He said squeezing my butt. "Get off of me" I squirmed laughing. "Whaat it's mine" he said grinning at me.

"Umm I do think you should meet my family first before we go public to the world. Kids first parents second sisters third?"

"Sounds good to me" he said slapping it.

"IMA GET YOU" I said chasing him around the kitchen island.

"No you won't with those little legs!"

He stopped and I hit him. "Ahhh you got me" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and held him. "Let's plan something. Maybe you can take me and the kids out. And we'll tell them over dinner" I said winking at him.

"Ouuu Benihana's" he said grinning.

"You read my mind" I said as I slapped his ass.

"Woahhh that's my Q to go" he said struggling to get out of my grip.

"Noo where you going give me a kiss" I said laughing.

He kissed me and I walked him to the door.
I think I love him.

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