Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion

Start from the beginning

Melody knew that there were certainly a lot of things that were wrong with what Harry was saying. Yes, basically the entire magical world was aware of how awful that magical Britain was. But, everything that Harry was telling her just made it even worse since it was because he was talking about things that they did not know about. Especially with the falling standards of Hogwarts.

But then she noticed something else that Harry had said.

"You said England," she said.

"Well, that is where I am from," Harry was confused with her pointing out what he had said.

"What I mean is that you specifically said 'back in England' rather than saying 'back home,' instead," Melody says. "I know that things are not the best, but is it really so serious that you do not see the place as your home?"

Harry sighed as Melody looked at him in concern. Of course, she would point out something like that. It was not shocking at all that being the twin of Krinos would make her just as observant as him. And it was not like he could say that she was wrong about what she had suspected.

"I have no reason to see that place as home," Harry admitted. "I am either treated as a hero or as a Dark Lord in training. People change their opinion of me based entirely on the lies that are spread in the Daily Prophet. Not to mention that for all this supposed 'fame' that I have, no one ever bothered to check up on me when I was living with those horrible muggles."

"Mundanes," Melody corrected, the response basically being automatic at this point.

"Whatever," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Harry, I may not be able to tell the truth if I say that I understand what you have gone through," Melody started. "But, I can say with full confidence that myself and everyone else at Crystal Rose will be here for you as long as you need us."

"And you have no idea how grateful that I am for that," Harry tells her.

She patted his hand with her own. By this time, the rest of the class had joined them in the classroom while Professor Gold and Snape also made their way in. Melody looked ready to protect Harry the moment she saw that Snape was still glaring at Harry for no other reason than the fact that Harry was in the same room as him.

"I would give anything for a demon attack right now," she muttered. "At least then I can 'accidentally' push him into the path of an incoming fireball or energy ball."

"I can see why Krinos says that he is sometimes terrified of you," Harry chuckled.

"He's my brother, so it's good that he has a healthy fear of me," Melody giggled. "After all, it's the same that I feel about him given that with his powers, he would be considered a very scary guy."

"I saw him in Dueling class," Harry says. "So, I definitely believe it."

As everyone got settled, Professor Gold stood in front of them. They all instantly paid attention to her. The way that she was able to command attention on her that easily just said how great of a teacher she was.

"Alright, class," she started, smiling at the students all paying their full attention to her. "As you know, the beginning of the school year is one of those times where a lot of students struggle with remembering things that happened in the years before. So, you also know my tradition during this time."

The Crystal Rose students all nodded while the Hogwarts students looked confused. But, they were happy that it seemed this would be another review day so that they could start catching up on things they had missed from previous years at Crystal Rose. Not to mention that even the Slytherins all knew that when it came to teaching Potions, Snape has taught them nothing.

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