Don't Give Up, Tom Drake Part 4

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30th April At the Flat

Drake and Evie's lips parted. He looked at her tender face, and apart from her smudged lippy and red chin, she was all he ever wanted. Her eyes smiled at him, making Drake feel, at that moment, invincible. His illness had simply vanished from his thoughts.

Evie was desperate to show Drake her flat.

John Gaines left his office at twelve minutes past three in order to buy his lover, Nicola, who also happened to be his secretary, a bouquet of red roses to celebrate the first anniversary of their affair. He always bought flowers from Matilda's, be them for Nicola, or his wife of twenty seven years, Sandra. When John arrived at Matilda's, he was perturbed to find the florists shut up, with a one line note of explanation sticky-taped to the door saying, "Sorry – closed due to technical difficulties."

'What?!' the annoyed John seethed, glancing at his watch.

'I can't believe some people!' he moaned, before walking off to find another florist, somewhere.

Evie and Drake took a train ride to the East of London. Subconsciously they chose to sit opposite one another on the tube train. It was an hour or so before the big rush home by the workers, so getting a seat was easy enough.

As the journey progressed, they stared at one another, barely noticing any of the travellers on the same train. There were no moments of funny face pulls, or the humorous recognition of a stranger sat close by. Instead, Evie and Drake unabashedly watched each other. Occasionally, one would smile at the other, admitting their happiness in finding them.

At West Ham station, she stood up and held her hand out to him. He took it. 'Here?' he asked, and she nodded.

Outside the station, Evie turned right and began to lead Drake along Manor road. As they walked, they said nothing. He recalled telling Doctor Manzoor that his chances of complete recovery were a dream. At that moment, as they turned right into Corporation Street, he felt as though he were on the edge of a dream.

The road they now walked along run for almost a mile to Plaistow High Street. As Drake walked beside Evie, he had the feeling that he was home. Impulsively, halfway along the street of Georgian terraced houses, Drake, quite uncharacteristically, pulled Evie to him and they kissed as passionately as a couple could in public without getting arrested.

It took a good minute for them to part, and when they did, it became apparent that several people, including two police officers sat in their car, were watching them. Some with joy, others, not so impressed. The couple laughed at their sudden intrusion on the world, as Evie took a tissue from her handbag and wiped the lipstick from Drake's grinning face.

'You said that everyone calls you Drake, not Tom?' Asked Evie, as they continued on along Corporation Street. The road began to make a wide turn to the left. 'Why is that?'

Drake shrugged. 'My parents, I guess,' he replied, feeling a sudden sense of regret. 'They usually called me Drake when they were disappointed with me, which was basically all the time.'

She was holding onto Drake's arm as they walked. She held it tighter, feeling his warmth. 'Do you want me to call you, Tom, Tom?' she asked.

Drake shook his head. 'Not really,' he said, drawing his lips into a thin smile. 'I grew up with it. I introduce myself as Drake. Its association with disappointment isn't that much of an issue anymore.'

She gave him a large, reassuring smile. 'I love Drake,' she announced.

At the High Street, Evie and Drake again turned to the left and it occurred to him that they could have got off the train at Plaistow station. That station sat only a quarter of a mile away, making the walk to Evie's flat considerably shorter.

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