Chapter 2

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The sun bid farewell as the moon replaced its space above the night sky.

Jiwan, who was sat alone in the sand, has released a shaky breath, while her eyes stayed fixed in the waving water of the beach.

Jiwan can hear her friends' joyous laughter from a few feet away. They were drinking and having so much fun. But here she is, choosing to be alone instead.

Jiwan can't help herself from blaming Sol. She got awkward around her. She feel disappointed and embarrased that she even dare thought that she and Sol could go back to being friends again. Jiwan has since then began to cursed that night. She dislike how Sol gives her hope, only to be crushed for no clear reason.

Jiwan also doesn't believe that Sol had forgotten everything that has happened between them two weeks ago. She refused to.

Jiwan pouts at the bittersweet memory, wrapped her arms around her knees, and sighed.

Moments later, Jiwan heared footsteps coming her way. It stopped on her left side. Based on the shadow, Jiwan can tell it was Nabi.

Nabi sat and only then Jiwan faced her.

"What are you doing here alone?" Nabi asked.

Jiwan just shrugged. "Do you have a cigarette?"

"Yes. Do you want one?"


Comfortable silence fell on the two. Jiwan was starting to relax with a cigarette between her fingers when suddenly, a cold liquid ran down from her head and into her face.

Shouting profanities in surprice, Jiwan stood and glared at the perpetrator.

"Sehun, you jerk! What was that for?"

"I'm sorry! It was Bit Na's dare!" Sehun ran back to the tent as an angry Jiwan charged after him.

Jiwan reached the tent and was about to throw him a punch when Bit Na grabbed her arm and forced her to sit down.

"Jiwan, calm down," Bit Na hands her a can of beer.

Jiwan's eyes narrowed, "My hoodie got wet because of you!"

"Fine," Bit Na pouts. "I'll let you borrow my jacket. We good?"

"Leave me out of your dares. I'm not in the mood."

Jiwan grabbed the can of beer and was about to leave when a white T- shirt was placed on her lap.

Looking up, Jiwan willed herself to keep a straight face, because towering above her is no other than Yoon Sol.

"Sol is as sweet as ever," Bit Na commented.

Promptly, Jiwan hid her face from Sol's sight. Her face has flushed in a deep shade of pink.

"Jiwan might catch a cold," Sol reasoned.

Nabi joined in to the teasing. "Sol, did you get a gummy bear for Jiwan? I think I saw one inside your tent."

Jiwan's heartbeat fasten.

"Oh my gosh!" Bit Na squealed.

Jiwan perked up from her seat. "I'm leaving," she said, and bit the inside of her cheek as she scowled at her friends one by one, except to Sol who she refused to look at again.

Jiwan exited the tent. She went inside her car and got change. She was now appropriately alone, drinking beer, with only silence sorrounding her. It was depressing and she detest the feeling. It was suffocating.

Jiwan decided to ditch her car. She mindlessly walked along the shore, bare feet and no direction in mind. She just walked and walked until somehow she crossed path with Sol.

Sol looks at her from head to toe with a frown.

"Are you drunk?" Sol asked and Jiwan scoffed.

"I only drunk one can of beer, how can I get drunk from that?"

Jiwan tried to walked pass Sol, but Sol had blocked her way.

"Where are you heading?"

"So now you're talking to me, Yoon Sol?"

"Look, I apologize of how I behaved last time -"

Jiwan shook her head and raised her hands. "Stop, I don't care anymore. Move out of my way."

"Seo Jiwan."

Jiwan's eyes meet Sol's. They were glossy, determined and pleading.

Fine, Jiwan thought. She dropped her shoes down the sand. "Go ahead, Sol. Let me hear your excuse."

Sol's gaze soften.

"I lied when I said I don't remember anything that night," Sol started. "The truth is, I do remember most of it."

"I knew it," Jiwan whispered.

"But I happen to forgot the fact that your not engage anymore. That's why I got jealous and upset. I acted petty with the thought of you spending the rest of your life with someone who's not me."

Sol released a shaky breath.

"And I thought it's best if I stay away. I don't wanna get hurt, Jiwan."


"I'm still into you and I'm not expecting anything in return."

Now that Sol has voiced out the reason why she's acting cold, Jiwan feel like something heavy has been lifted off her heart. This misunderstanding prove her that communication is tremendously important.

Jiwan, who's close to crying, wrapped Sol in a warm and tight embrace.

"I still love you, Sol."

Both of them smiled at the familiar smell of each other.

Jiwan can feel Sol's heart beating against her chest. She likes the feel of Sol's body leaning on her. She likes Yoon Sol's raspy laugh. Everything about Sol feels like home.

And Sol can say the same. She wrapped Jiwan in an even tighter hugged.

The wind grown stronger and the two has to separate. They were silent as they head back to the tent. Everyone looked at them when they arrived. Specially Nabi who has a knowing look on her eyes and Bitna who immediately smirk upon seeing SolJiwan.

Sehun on the other hand has no clue.

"Sol, let's play never have I ever," he offered.

Sol looks at Jiwan, and Jiwan shrugged. She's now in a better mood to join her friend's games.


Jiwan sat beside Sol, ofcourse. But Sehun being Sehun tried to bribe Jiwan to give him the seat by handing her a pack of marshmallow. Jiwan straight up rejected him.

"I'll start it," Bit Na volunterred.

Everyone hesitantly nodded. Bit Na can be very extreme.

"Never have I ever had sex in the backseat of the car!"

Everyone burst into a fit of 'oohs' and some giggles.

Meanwhile, Jiwan and Sol coughed at the same time.

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