Austins checkup

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When I tried to leave the room our dad blocked the door from me making me gulp

"Austin your going to be fine we go through this hassle all the time, I did everything at your office cooperatively can you please cooperate with me" Taylor sighed

"I'm scared" I whimper

"Austin why are you being difficult go sit down for your sister" our mom said sternly

I nervously gulped and went over sitting down. Taylor laid the chair back going over and grabbing a mask and gloves putting them on as she sat behind the chair grabbing her mirror and explorer.

"Alright can you open for me" Taylor said softly

I looked up at her in fear and she sighed pulling her mask down

"Austin I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to take a quick look I don't need long I just want to check" she said

"Ok" I whimper nervously

She pulls her mask back up and I opened my mouth for her so she immediately started checking my teeth. I kept my eyes shut tightly because I didn't like this at all.

"Looks like you've got a small cavity too huh" Taylor said still checking my teeth.

I could feel Karlie stand up and heard her walking and rustling through cupboards but I didn't think much of it till she sat back down. I opened my eyes looking up at her and she gave me a sympathetic smile

"You good" she asked making me give a thumbs up.

"Alright we're just going to go ahead and fix this cavity here for you and you'll be all good to go" Taylor said taking her explorer out but keeping her mirror in.

She swapped her explorer for a q-tip and started rubbing the gel around my mouth making me start squirming. I was not ready for this and she wasn't giving me any sort of warning.

"Austin stop please that's only going to make things worse" Taylor said as she took the gel out grabbing something else

I immediately started squirming harder till she took her mirror out of my mouth

"Austin what's going on, your ok, you know I won't hurt you, I need you to stay still for me or I'm going to have to call Abby to come do it and I'm sure you'd way rather just let me do this now then have her come do it" she said

"I don't want it at all" I whimper

"I know but if we don't fix it now it's going to cause you pain and trust me you would way rather go through the filling then the tooth pain" she said

"I can't" I whimper

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