Witless Protection

Start from the beginning

"I thought you said it stood for jam master." Jerry Says

"Jujitsu." Kim Says

"Jaguar." Jack Says

"Jackknife." Abigail Says

"Jermaine." Milton Says

"All right, it changes with the situation! So, let the record show that I...Rudy Gillespie, along with my
students, identify that man!" Rudy Says

While Rudy was speaking Jerry wonders off near the glass, he presses a button which brings down the glass. Letting the suspects see them, Benny angrily glared at Rudy as he pointed at him.

"Ah! Glass is down! Glass is down, people! Hero out! Go go go go!" Rudy Says, as everyone ran out the room.


Rudy walked into the restaurant, pulled up a chair and sat down with his students, while they were all having lunch.

"I am feeling pretty great about putting Benny away." Rudy Says, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, you should. You committed a selfless
act and helped make Seaford a safer place." Jack Says

"Oh, that's not why. I'm getting a $5,000 reward." Rudy admitted, as they all looked at him.

"Hey, we all identified him, so we should all share the reward money." Jack Says

"What reward money?" He sighed, "Fine. We'll split it five ways. Ooh ooh! turn on the news, we'll watch Benny get taken into the Courthouse for sentencing." Rudy Says

Jerry picks up the remote and turns on the Tv, changing the channel to the news.

"This is Chappy Chapman outside the Seaford Courthouse, awaiting the arrival of Benny the Blade."

"I'll say it, Chappy's got the best hair in Seaford." Jerry Says

"Seriously, dude? I'm sitting right here." Jack Says, in offense.

"It looks like the van has just arrived, and
Benny is being taken into the Courthouse.
There, he'll be arraigned and set...oh, no!
Oh, this isn't good."

On the Tv screen it shows Benny being taken into the courthouse, but a bunch of men dressed in all black fights off the two officers holding him.

"He's got, like, ninja people. Oh, my Benny's men have come and..Oh, he's running. This is not
good. Now he's coming back. Benny, please.
Do not hit me in my perfectly..."

Benny punches a happy in the face knocking him out, he picks up the microphone and stared right into the camera.

"Rudy Gillespie! I'm coming for you...and those kids."

They all turned around to look at Rudy's who's mouth dropped.

"Did you hear that? my name was on TV!, I gotta go call my mother!" Rudy Says, then leaves the restaurant.

"Did he hear the second part?" Milton Says

"Oh, he heard it. Three, two, one..." Kim Says, then it set in and Rudy screams running it in.

"Run for our lives!" Rudy Says


"Only take what's necessary, people." He told them, as they packed, "We have to travel lightly." Rudy Says, as he's wearing a large crate on his back.

"Great. Rudy, what's the plan, where are we going?" Jack Asked

"That's where I come in tonight we will travel
south to Guatemala. There we will live as a talented
but reasonably-priced mariachi band." Milton explained

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