Chapter 1- The Duration of Snape's Pregnancy

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Warning- Warning- there is an explanation about pregnancy as well as surgery.


Month 1-

After the breakup with his ex-lover, Severus only relayed on himself to carry his baby.

He didn't tell James about his pregnancy since what would be the point? He already chose someone over him, and Severus didn't want him to choose his kids over his friends.

So, yeah. It sucked being all alone, but Severus already had in mind leaving Hogwarts and the Wizarding World.

The following week came as Severus was planning on leaving for good. He knew that the bastard of a father wouldn't accept him ever since his mother died, so the only logical thing to do was find a job.

Of course, that would mean he had to work from a very young age, but that didn't ease Severus's pain.

He knew that losing his mother to that monster after he killed her and disappeared meant that he was hiding from the police.

However, it could mean he's hiding inside the house without being seen, which means a hard no.

He's at least sixteen, and getting a job wouldn't be that hard for him since he can cook and tailor, thanks to his mother.

He also had enough money to buy an apartment since his mother used to give him an allowance despite their circumstances.

As Severus packed all his stuff, he sent a letter to Madam Pomfrey, thanking her for everything she had done over the past years.

It was midnight already, and luckily for him, mostly everyone was asleep. That didn't mean some might discover his runaway, but Severus prepared himself just in case.

'New beginning, here I come...' Severus thought as he cast all his belongings into his trunk and left Hogwarts for good.


Month 2-

Ever since Severus's escape from Hogwarts became known to everyone, no one knew where he was.

It all started with his disappearance, which affected the Slytherin for three days.

As usual, Dumbledore waited until one entire week to finally announce to everyone about his disappearance.

As soon as he finished, people started talking.

Some whispered he was dead or kidnapped, while others thought he joined You-Know-Who.

James knew Severus wouldn't join, but it didn't ease his worry over his disappearance.

He felt that it was his fault, which it was, but he shook his head before sighing.

'Maybe it was for the best...' He thought. However, his heart said otherwise.

"C'mon, Prongs!" He heard Sirius shouting.

James rose, glanced at what used to be Severus's seat, and rushed over to Sirius.

While Sirius talked about some nonsense, James's heart could only hold so much.

It felt like Fate killed his chance to be with his true loved one...


Meanwhile, on the other side of the Wizarding World, Severus applied for a job at a grocery store.

He just had to stack the supplies on the shelves throughout the weekdays and enjoy his weekends off.

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