The Murderer on the Loose

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Kurtis' POV:
"Danny's in a coma" the doctor said.
"NO!" I exclaimed in shock.
I immediately regretted ever telling Danny to come over. The police were searching all over my house. Thankfully Drew offered to let me stay with him until the police stopped their investigation. Drew was shocked to hear the news when I told him, but he was to tough to cry. We assumed that Laura had told Jenna and Amanda about Danny.
"I'm so sorry about what happened, Kurtis." Drew said comfortingly.
"Thank you" I replied while I held back my tears.
I then got up to go to the bathroom.
I was just about done washing my hands when I heard Drew scream.
"AHHH!" Drew screamed.
My heart was once again racing as I rushed towards him. There he was...just like Danny, dead, bleeding on the floor.
"DREW! NO!" I cried.
"No, no, no, no not again! Please, please, PLEASE wake up!" I began to sob uncontrollably once again, and like before, both mine and Drew's phone were gone...
Once again I rushed outside to get help. Knocking repeatedly on my neighbours door.
"Can I help you?" He said.
"I need your phone, please! My friend is dying!"
He gave me his phone and I dialled 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator said.
"Please send an ambulance to ****** **** street, my friend is dying!"
"Okay, help is on there way, what is your friends name?"
"Drew Gooden!" I answered along with a few other questions. Much like last time, the police and the paramedics arrived and put Drew in the ambulance. I arrived at the hospital with Drew as they put him through emergency surgery. I waited patiently for them to finish the surgery. And then it hit me, who the murderer was Jenna...Jenna had always been jealous of my relationship with Danny and Drew...although I didn't want to believe it, it did make sense...

Danny Gonzalez X Kurtis ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now