The Hospital

610 4 28

Kurtis' POV:
I searched all around my house for my phone, but it was nowhere...
I got a bit worried, where the fuck did it go???
I turned to go back to my filming room when I heard Danny scream.
"AHHHH" Danny screamed.
I rushed to where Danny was. That's when I saw it...
"DANNY!" I sobbed. "NO! I LOVED YOU"
I started to uncontrollably cry...there Danny was...dead, on the floor, bleeding everywhere...
If only I told him that I loved him sooner. I immediately regretted turning off the camera. If only there was a way to see who did it...
I wanted to call 911 but both my phone and Danny's were gone.
"DANNY! Please wake up. Danny, Danny, DANNY!" I cried.
I ran outside to try and get help. I knocked on my neighbours door rapidly.
"Hello?" My neighbour said.
"Please, help, can I borrow your phone please?" I asked
"What for?" She replied
I grabbed her phone and dialled 911
"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked
"My friend is bleeding out in my house right now, send an ambulance fast!"
"Sir, I need you to calm down, what's the address?"
"It's ****** ******* street"
The operator told me to stay on the line, I answered more of her questions while my neighbour stood there in shock.
Shortly after I dialled 911, an ambulance and the police arrived. I watched as the hospital workers dragged Danny's body into the ambulance. I was in the ambulance with him just praying that he would make it out alive. Who did this to him? I wondered. We arrived at the emergency room. I began to cry. They brought Danny in for emergency surgery. I waited anxiously for them to be done. I should call Laura, I thought. I used the hospital phone and dialled Laura's number.

Laura's POV:
Ring ring. It was Kurtis.
"Hello?" I answered
"Laura! Danny's in the hospital!" He exclaimed.
"WHAT??" I replied, trying my best to act shocked.
I asked him what happened as if I didn't already know. I began to fake cry. I hung up and made my way to the hospital where Danny was. I waited in the waiting room with Kurtis trying to act sad.
A few hours later the doctor came out of the surgery room.
"Sir, m'am, I have some bad news..."

Danny Gonzalez X Kurtis ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now