Episode 8: Return To Acmetropolis

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Acmetropolis, Maroon district

rapid running and panting was heard, along with some explosions and stomping

Jericho: *panting* This way!

Mark: Keep moving!

Sawjaw suddenly crashes to a truck with Gorlop trying to get him up.

Gorlop: C'mon, Sawjaw!

Sawjaw: *groaning in pain*

Pinkster: Hurry!

Sawjaw: *rises, shaking off the rubble and shoots his fire breath at something offscreen*

Electro: In there!

Jericho: Come on! Get inside!

Sawjaw and Gorlop rush to them

Mark: Josh!? Josh!? Oh! Where is my brother!?

Magnus: I found him, son! *carries an injured Josh*

Mark: Oh god!

Josh: M-M-Mark...

Mark: Hang on!

Jericho: Pierre, contact Ace, now!!

Pierre: Of course! *readies the communicator*

Ophiuchus Sam: Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!

Doug: It's too dangerous, you idiot!

Pierre: *activates* ACE BUNNY IT'S ME, PIERRE LE PEW!!!

Ace: Okay, again, what's the stats?


Ace: Pierre! Calm down, and slow down. What is it?

Pierre: TERRASAUR!!!

Ace: Terra-what?

Pierre: Big monster! Way bigger than Sawjaw, the size of a building---

Josh: Oh god it found us!!

Jericho: Hide!!!

A large roar shook the earth

Paula: It's coming!

the Rebels quickly open a sewer lid

Bianca: In here, hurry!

Jericho: Now! Now! Now!

everyone enters

Jericho: Okay we'll be safe in here

Paula: *to Pierre* Do you think Ace got the message clearly??

Pierre: I hope so, cuz if I didn't....nous sommes tous foutus(We're all screwed)

Jericho: Let's just hope that monster didn't found us...

Up above in the Morningstar ship

Morningstar: *Smiling, watching the destruction*

Buck: *whispers* Oh man...

a robot walked in, along with Cerberus

Morningstar: Ah, Cerberus my pet...where's Deuce and Zadavia?

Cerberus: *whines*

Robot: Deuce has sent to prison in Freleng and Zadavia is free from the helmet's control.

Morningstar: *sips and crushes the wine chalice* WHAT??

Robot: The Loonatics did it. Your plan to destroy them, failed Master

Morningstar: Grr *he smashes the robot with Tech's magnetism*

Boom: *gasps*

Buck: Boss...can't we just let em go?

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