Episode 4: Sawjaw

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Picking up from where Back In Action Part 2 left off, the massive alien beast snarled at it's master

Buck: He sure...is aggressive

Newt: *shaking hiding behind Buck like crazy*

Sawjaw: *roars and tries to bite him*

Morningstar: *Not healthy idea his eyes glow blue and unleashes Rip's electricity upon Sawjaw*

Sawjaw: *roars in pain*

The beast stepped back

Morningstar: Now, Sawjaw. Never bite the hand that feeds

Sawjaw: *snarls*

Morningstar: Now, here's what i want you to do

In her room, Roxanne was watching a Loonatics animation she made in high school to try and cheer herself up after what happened earlier

Gorlop: H-Hey its alright

Roxanne: *just continued watching* They were my heroes, they don't fight eachother...

Gorlop: Roxy, every can fight, even friends. They have their ups and downs, without arguments, they'll never learn something important. But yeah, Zero is just being...

Roxanne: Someone who's still extremely pissed after losing his powers and his homeworld to a psychotic alien warlord for two years...

Gorlop: I was gonna say "a stubborn asshole" but yeah, that too.

Meanwhile, in the streets the Loonatics were on patrol, since they didn't have their outfits anymore, they wore jackets that had their color and triangle on the back

Tris: *rushes to Zero* Zero! Zero! You will not believe this!

Zero: What?

Tris: Me and Danny were scoping out a Morningstar defense outpost, and one of the ships unloaded...well, it look like a T-Rex

Zero: What? *pushes her aside and goes to see*

Pulling out his binoculars and zooms in, he sees Buck trying to pull Sawjaw out a ship and he sees other animals with them

Zero: What the hell..??

He sees tigers, rhinos, horses that can kill and fight and of course, dinosaurs.

Tris: Told you

Robots and the Guardlucks tries to unload Sawjaw and the animals.

Triceratops: *agitated and smashes a robot*

Newt: *pulling on it's chain, despite being the smallest Guardluck* Come on...

Rip: Hey, it's the Guardlucks

Diego: What are they doing?

Tris: Their releasing animals, especially that...that thing *points to Sawjaw as the robots pull in the chains to get him out*

Sawjaw: *roars*

Sapphire: That is one strange looking dino...

Tech: It's an alien dino

Sonic: There are dinosaurs too. Look *points at a Carnotaurus*

Diego: *to Zero* So..Zero, what's the plan?

Zero: If i was Ace, he would probably say "Keep our distance and take them down separately" But I have a better method...Attack *pulls out a Neutron cannon*

Because the Loonatics didn't have their powers anymore, they're relying on weapons and gadgets

Duck: I think that's the complete opposite

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