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"Will, El, get up" Jonathan said walking into their room to wake them up.He was doing it cause their mom was on a business trip to Miami

"Ugh" El groaned and rolled over accidentally falling off her bed

"You okay" Jonathan said walking over to her

"Yeah" She said getting up

Will fake coughed
"I don't feel well, can I stay home" Will asked, lying through the first part

"Oh, okay, El, I got you some eggos so come on" Jonathan said and El followed him out the room

They both sat at the table

"So what's up with The Will.He's obviously playing hookie.Did something happen?" Jonathan asked

"Umm.... well yesterday we had some friends over to do a project, and Chris asked what happened when he went missing, and Will had a panik attack" El said

"Oh" Was all Jonathan could get out

"El you go get ready, I need time to think what I should do" Jonathan said

In the end Jonathan decided he'd let Will stay home and play along with it.


Jonathan had just dropped El off at school, but he was staying home and playing along with Will.Jonathans school was being sprayed for bugs so they weren't having school all week.

"Will, you feeling up for eating something" Jonathan yelled from the kitchen

Will put on a really horrible fake hoarse voice
"Yeah, just muffins though" Will yelled

"Okay" Jonathan yelled back and put muffins in the oven before going into Wills room

"Here let me check your temp, bud"Jonathan said walking into the room

"Oh, umm okay" Will said trying to stay calm

Jonathan put the thermometer under Wills tounge


"Weird, your temps normal" Jonathan said, but before he could say anything else Will spoke

"Can you go get me some Tylenol, I have a headache" Will asked again in that fake hoarse voice

"Of course" Jonathan said

After Will ate he took a nap and slept till noon.When he woke up he ate again, but he stayed in bed and read a book while keeping up his (horrible) act.

"Jonathan can you fix me some tea, my throat hurts"  Will called out in his fake hoarse voice that had slowly gotten a bit more believable over the day yet it was still horrible.

"Yea sure but it'll take a minute for me to make it"


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