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(A/n: Whoops, forgot to write a note to you guys like usual! My bad! Welcome to the story! I'll try to upload this at least once a week, but with school and all, it'll probably be twice every two weeks. Count this as this week's. Anyway, this story is the one that one the most votes in the vote chapter way back when. So, without further of do, let's continue!)

Anais: [Impatient, in front of the door] Gumball! Darwin! Come on! We're gonna be late for school!

Gumball: [On the second floor] Be there in a second!

Y/n: [Impatient, also in front of the door] You said that five minutes ago! So help me, I'll open a tunnel down here in five seconds. One...

[Gumball and Darwin are on the top of the house stairs, Gumball is naked and both of them are covered with ice cubes]

Gumball: [Excited] Okay, by my calculations, these ice cubes will allow us to glide down stairs at almost the speed of light. Go!

[They "glide" down the stairs, both getting hurt]

Gumball: Awesome.

[Both stand up and go to the door with Anais and Y/n]

Gumball: Ready!

Y/n: [Glares] Like heck you are! You're naked!

Gumball: [Shrugs] But I can't find my clothes.

Anais: [folding her arms] Figure something out!

[Scenes changes to the back garden. Richard is sleeping on the grass]

Gumball: Dad!

Richard: [Startled awake] Morning, son!

Gumball: Why are you sleeping in the garden?

Richard: Because I've been up all night doing the laundry. Just like your mother asked me to.

[Flashback to Nicole and Richard]

Nicole: Whatever you do, don't do the laundry.

Richard: [Salutes] Aye-aye, Cap'n!

[Back to the present]

Gumball: Great! Can I have my clothes?

Richard: Of course. [Grabs Gumball's pants and sweater off the line. They've shrunk enough to fit in the palms of his hands] Here you go!

Gumball: They're so tiny.

Richard: [Rubbing his face against them] And so clean.

Gumball: [Has squeezed into the tiny clothes] Kind of tight, too. [He takes one step, and the clothes immediately tear off him, leaving him naked again]

Richard: [Quickly grabs Gumball and sticks him in his shirt] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You know how your mother feels about public nudity.

[Gumball is later seen wearing a Daisy Flakes box; Richard is on a stool picking something from the top of a wardrobe]

Richard: Not to worry. I've got just the thing.

[Gumball calmly munches flakes from the box he is wearing. The stool turns over and Richard is forced to hang on the wardrobe]

Richard: Ah! Oh. Here you go!

Gumball: What?! Mom's wedding dress? I can't wear that!

Richard: But everything else is in the wash.

Gumball: I'd rather go naked!

Richard: But if you do, your mother will know I'm a terrible father/husband! Please, son! [Puppy eyes] Do this for your old dad! [Drops a tear]

Gumball: [Gives in] Okay, I'll wear the dress.

The World Is Amazing! (The Amazing World Of Gumball x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now