"A war doesn't count on numbers. It's the strength that predicts the outcome of the war. They are at strength in numbers but as you watch them you can see the lack in education" Donte explains to his lieutenant.

"Yeah. But we both know that's all a facade. The BLACK NATION ARMY are waiting for a moment of realization and then all hell would break loose. You have something up your sleeve. Never underestimate you" Donte smile in response. Never. "So tomorrow my friend" they shake hands and Brock leaves locking up behind him.

One thing was for sure, when The BLACK NATION ARMY decided to strike back it would be at random. Donte could almost feel the BLACK NATION ARMY would wouldn't attack them. He was sure they were so low on the list of enemies that they hardly existed. Donte pulls out some weed and a philly blunt wrap. He unstuffed it taking the tobacco out and filled it with crushed weed. After he was done packing the blunt he looked at it. The beauty in power, the thought made him chuckle. Getting their attention was not going to be easy. A war could be won in many ways in Donte planned to use many ways to win this war.

Stacey rolls out of bed, the clock read six in the morning. She goes to the bathroom and showers after brushing her teeth. Once her hygiene was completed she felt wide awake. The club scene was exciting as usual. Today she had things to do. She had to go to New Jersey to open up her Laundromat. Her mother gave her the laundromat to take care of. Her mother also ran the corner store. In the last five years the places of businesses have been very profitable. They had a few scares but Donte quickly fixed them. So far Stacey employees six people to work at the Laundromat. Two of them were black and the rest Chinese. She trusted her kind but when it came down to business, it was about skill, profession, and most importantly profit.

People came around here and there to ask for a job, but rarely return once they found out she was indeed hiring. Besides that they had minor issues. By time Stacey was ready it was seven-thirty in the morning. She was out the door before eight, in New Jersey forty mins later. During the ride she learned through the news that someone was murdered.in East New York. Stacey and her family had issues with East New York, Cypress Hill Projects. She wasn't surprised that people over there were dropping like flies. East New York was a very dangerous neighborhood. She was happy they made it out of there with no issues, or at least with the few issues they do have.

she arrives to New Jersey two hours later. As she pulls up to the laundromat all her employees were already there. She liked to see this. It was one of her many rules. If she had to be here early, so they were. They got paid a pretty penny due to the fact of shortage of staff. She wanted to make sure they earned their pay. She parks the car and gets out. "Hello everyone!" she says in a good mood. She opens the control box and presses the green button. The gates that covered the laundromat lifted up. After they were fully, Stacey unlocked the front door and let her employees in. As she enters the door her cell phone rang. She digs into her purse and pulls out her phone as she allows her workers to enter the laundromat. She smiled when she realized it was her mother calling. "Hello mother" She walks straight to her office her unlocks her door. She cuts on all the power for the machines and looks around her office as her mother talks.

"Just calling to make sure your working hard" her mother say.

"Yes mother. I just got in, well, I've been in we're just starting things up. Anyhow, have you talked to Sandra?" Stacey say switching the subject. She did miss her little sister. Even though she was only away to earn her law degree, to Stacey it felt like a permanent move. 

"Yes about two days ago. She told me she would call you because I told her that you were asking about her" Her mother replies.

"She better call me. So how is the store?" Stacey questions again switching the subject. This was one thing she was good at, keeping the conversation going.

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