Chapter Four

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Demmec jumps over the garbage can that was intentionally knocked over to prevent capture, by slowing him down. The man he was chasing was wanted for skipping bail. Demmec and his partner had been placed on patrol in the area that he frequented in. His partner, a female, had turned off from the chase. He didn't know what she had in mind but he hoped it was something good because the man they were chasing after was gaining leverage and didn't seem to be losing his burst. The man turns the corner and BOOM! Demmec partner tackles the man to the ground hard. Demmec caught up to the with a smile and a bit of a chuckle. There was no need to read him his rights he was out cold. They would do it when he woke up.

"Good job partner" Demmec says as he cuffs the man and secures him. "We're going to need a medic though. Damn girl you came down on him like a brick wall where the hell did you come from?" Demmec asked looking from the area where she tackled him.

"I spent a lot of time in London with some of my non favorite side of the family. These cities are not much different" she said as if it was nothing. By the looks of it she came down a building.

"Parkour" Demmec says knowing exactly what she was talking about. "My brother is in to that type of stuff"

"He sounds awesome. Thanks. You want to hold him while I go get the car?"

"Yeah why not?" Demmec called for an ambulance while she received the vehicle.  After all the next paper work was done they were able to go home. "What you have in mind for the night?" Demmec asked as they exit the precinct. They were both in their civilian clothing and one couldn't associate then with the precinct unless they knew they were cops.

"Maybe a drink then off to bed" she replies. Demmec had something like that planned. Five years passed since the murder of his father. He still felt the obligation to find out who killed his father. The thought of capturing his father killer was what pushed him to get up every day and put on his uniform to capture bad guys. He gets home an hour later and sets his alarm clock. Not having his own family had really been trouble some. He was family orientated and his bachelor lifestyle has avoided him from growing one as his brother did. Being the early age of thirty six he felt that he missed out on a lot.

His cell phone rang bringing him out of his daze thoughts. He realized that he spent thirty minutes on the couch thinking about his father and his future family. The phone signaled that he had a text message. He read the text message and sends one in return. He lies down the phone and went to go take a shower. Today alone they chased down two perps. Both were caught but running had taken a light toll on him, which made him a bit tired. After the shower he dries in his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes to the kitchen for a drink if bourbon alcohol. He pours a glass and went to the living room. As he sips on his drinkhe text back and forth with a female friend that he met at a social event.

He turns on the television and watched the news. Today had been a good day. More days like this and...... His cell phone rang as he is holding it. It was his captain calling. "Sir"

"Demmec we need you to come in" the captain states with firm conviction. Meaning he wasn't taking a no. Something has come down and this needed full attention.

"Sir I just..."

"Let me make this clear. It's your turn not get here in the hour" with that the phone disconnected. Demmec knew what this meant and the fear of what was going on was hitting him with pure excitement.

"This is special agent whiskey and his partner special agent McKnight. They are with the federal bureau of investigation. We picked up a case that summoned them to this precinct. Agents?" The captain states giving the agents the floor to speak.

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