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    Naruto bolted out of bed, rushing around trying to get ready. No one bothered to wake him up, not after yesterday's shit show. Naruto was about to leave his room when a sound made him pause. Tsunami's scream spurred him into action, racing down the stairs.

    Three men were surrounding Tsunami and Inari, armed and about to go in for the kill. Naruto, not even bothering to make shadow clones, kicked their asses into next week.

    "They left me behind, didn't they?"

    Tsunami just nodded, still in shock.

    Naruto dragged the men outside, swiftly killed them, and ran to the bridge.

    Naruto and Zabuza arrived at the same time. Kakashi immediately challenged the cow-man, keeping his attention off the Genin. Shino stayed with Tazuna, knowing that their job is to protect him, while Shikamaru and Naruto challenged Haku.

    Haku, they discovered, has a kekkei genkai much like Shikamaru. He created a dome of ice, disappearing into the reflective surface. He was moving too fast to see, throwing senbons that they could barely dodge. Naruto saw a volley of them heading towards Shikamaru, knowing they would strike a vital point.
    He shoved his friend out of the way, taking the hit. He bit his lip to muffle the scream that was building in the back of his throat.


    He jumped out of the way, narrowly dodging the second round of needles heading his way.

    Naruto channeled chakra into his eyes, sharpening his vision enough to watch Haku's movements. He picked up a pattern, telling Shikamaru to send out a shadow on his signal. His eyes followed the nins movements.....there.
    Immediately, he formed his hand into a sign, and Shikamaru's shadow shot out. The tendril connected, freezing the missing-nin in place. Shikamaru smirked,

    "Shadow Possession Jutsu complete."

    Naruto fell to his knees just as the dome shattered, his body unable to heal with the needles in him. His vision turned black, as a roar of rage shook the earth.

    Kakashi watched as shadows completely covered the field, him and Zabuza pausing their fight in confusion. The roar of complete rage jostled the earth, almost knocking them off their feet. Haku was thrown out of the shadows, unconscious and barely breathing, being caught by Zabuza. Another figure stalked out of the shadows, coming closer. Zabuza set Haku onto the ground, sliding into a fighting stance with Kakashi.

    The figure got close enough for identification, thoroughly confusing Kakashi. It's Shikamaru....but also not? Shikamaru seems to be shrouded in shadows, fingers elongated into claws, and KI rolling off of him in waves. He snarled, sounding absolutely demonic, before lunging for the collapsed man.

    "Shikamaru! Cut it out, dammit! What the hell happened?" Kakashi demanded confused and concerned.

    Shino and Tazuna watched, fear etched into their faces.

    Shikamaru roared again, this time in anguish,


    Kakashi remembered hearing about something like this, thinking it was only a legend. The Nara Fixation, just as legendary as it is dangerous.

    Haku seriously fucked up.

    Kakashi was able to disappear long enough to check on his son, the others too occupied with Shikamaru to notice his absence. Naruto was a crumpled heap on the floor, senbons stabbed into every available inch of his body. He looked like a human pin cushion, unable to heal with them stuck in him. Getting to work, he removed the needles as gently as he could.
    By the time he was done, all the wounds healed, leaving Naruto to rest. He woke up five minutes later, jolting awake and demanding to know where Shikamaru is.

    "Shikamaru! Calm down, I'm fine! Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed, still laying in his father's arms.

    His voice got the shadows attention, it's face(?) turning to him. Immediately, the shadows started receding, and Shikamaru passed out from chakra exhaustion.

    These damn kids are gonna make Kakashi go bald.

    By the time Gato appeared, both Zabuza and Haku are still alive, just roughed up with a healthy fear of team 9.

    Zabuza flew into a rage, fighting alongside the Genin (and Jonin), leaving a bloody trail in their wake. None of Gato's goons left that bridge alive, freeing the Wave from corruption.

    The bridge was named 'The Great Ekuripusu Bridge' in honor of Shikamaru and Naruto.

    Inari and Naruto were both crying, promising visits as they left, starting the journey back to the leaf.

    The walk back was hell, none of them wanting to stop for anything until they were back in the village. By the time they made it to the gates, they looked like death itself. Tattered, bloody clothing, dark circles under their eyes, hair messy and tangled with leaves, and faces coated with mud.

    They stopped at the Hokage's office, giving the report to the increasingly worried Sarutobi, and collected their payment (and month of leave, because holy shit)

    Naruto dragged his exhausted team to Ichiraku's, knowing that they need a warm meal before showering and passing out. None of them could make it home, so Kakashi just shunshined them back to his home. Naruto showered first, then Shikamaru, then Lee, and finally Kakashi.
    They all collapsed in the living room, with the exception of Kakashi who collapsed on his bed, Shino taking the loveseat and Naruto sharing the couch with Shikamaru.

    It's been a long day.

    The morning after was chaotic, to say the least. Kakashi woke up and made breakfast before waking up his cute little Genin. Shikamaru and Naruto were tangled up, cuddling on the couch. Shino was snoring on the loveseat, somehow sleeping like a contortionist.

    He laughed his lungs out when Shikamaru and Naruto woke up, trying to scramble away only to get more tangled, falling off the couch in the process. Of course, when they landed, Shikamaru was on top of Naruto with a hand on both sides of Naruto's head. They flushed red, scrambling away successfully this time, and waking Shino in the process.

    Shikamaru and Naruto both picked up a pillow, turning to Kakashi with an evil look in their eyes.

    People walking down the street paused at the shrill screaming coming from the house.

A//N: I hope you liked it! I took some inspo from my other book for this chapter! I also decided to keep Haku and Zabuza alive because holy fuck they deserved better.

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