Same song, different tune.

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    Naruto let out a long, deep sigh that he could feel in his bones. The lock to his door is destroyed, making it glaringly obvious that his belongings are either stolen or broken. Opening the door, he had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from vomiting, the smell of piss and spray paint left in a hot room was way too strong for his sensitive nose.

    He looked around for anything salvageable, trying to get away from the smell as soon as possible. All his plates and cups are shattered, his pots and pans gone, his couch ripped and broken, his mattress gone, and everything of value either stolen or destroyed. His walls are graffitied to all hell, calling him words he'd rather not repeat. His floor is stained with piss and other substances he doesn't want to name, his floorboards scratched as if someone attacked it with a kunai.

    Naruto couldn't stay there, so he undid the seal that held his life savings and his go-bag and ran out of the apartment. Now he just has to find a place to stay.


    Hound was jumping from building to building, desperately trying to find Naruto's chakra signature among the sea of civilians. Just when he finally gets the Hokage to agree to Kakashi taking the kid in, he up and disappeared. As some would put it, a mothers adrenaline is kicking in. He can see every equation.

    The man's heart almost stopped when he sensed the kids chakra in the fucking FORREST OF DEATH. 'HE'S SIX, HE'LL GET HIMSELF KILLED IN THERE!'

    Hound pushed chakra into his feet, forcing himself to run as fast as possible, rivaling Minato in speed. When he arrived at Naruto's location, the damn brat almost gave him ANOTHER heart attack because he was sleeping on a gIANT FUCKING BEAR. what the fuck.
Later that day

    "If you're adopting me, does that mean I can call you dad? OH! Do I get to be a Hatake!?" The excited red head asked, lost in the idea of having a dad.

    Kakashi started bawling, absolutely inconsolable, as Naruto panicked thinking he did something wrong.

    "I'M SO SORRY, JUST PRETEND I NEVER SAID ANYTHING-TTEBAYO!" Naruto rushed, continuing to panic for all seven minutes Kakashi laid on the floor sobbing.

    "No, no, it's okay. I was just surprised, I promise. Regarding your questions, you can call me what makes you comfortable. If you don't feel like calling me dad, you can call me either your big brother or Kakashi. And you can be both a Hatake and an Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki-Hatake."
Kakashi said, desperately trying to calm down the small boy.

    This time, it was Naruto who started crying, but Kakashi calmed when he saw the giant grin on his kids face.

   "Okay d-dad, Naruto Uzumaki-Hatake it is! Dattebayo!" The boy exclaimed, happy he finally has a family.

    When Naruto met the pack for the first time, he immediately gravitated to Bull and Guruko. Bull is a giant sweetheart and Guruko matches Naruto in energy, he loves all the ninken but those two are his favorite. Sleepings a lot easier when he's warm, fed, and has both of the ninken to protect him.

    Protect him they did. Anytime anyone with bad intentions tried to approach him, they growled and snarled. If anyone was dumb enough to get closer, let's just say mauled is too kind a word to describe their fate. They never do enough harm to kill, just enough to maim.

    Those two stuck to him like glue, upon seeing this Kakashi sat Naruto down with Guruko and Bull. He asked the ninken if they'd like to be Naruto's summons instead, promising no hard feelings if so. The two agreed much to Kakashi's amusement and Naruto's delight. Kakashi would feel sad, but they'll stick to his son so he'll see them around.

    Gai and Anko walked into the bar, ordering several drinks looking traumatized. They look directly at Genma, before saying in unison,

    "There's another one. One was enough, but now there's two."

   Genma, completely confused, tried asking the two more questions but they wouldn't budge, just repeating the phrase over and over like a mantra.

    It wasn't until two weeks later that those words would come back to haunt him. Walking next to Kakashi, the infamous copy-nin, was a child about 5 or 6 dressed in a similar fashion. Curiosity piqued, he walked closer. In response he got two, perfectly in-sync, eye smiles. His brain melted when he heard,

    "C'mon dad, we're gonna miss the sale at the bookstore! You want more perv books and I want that book about seals!" The little kid said, dragging the countries most feared ninja away.

   Genma would later be found at the bar, drinking himself into the ground with Gai and Anko. Kurenai and Asuma are the next victims.
    Minato and Kushina watch this all unfold inside the seal, laughing their asses off. Their small, emotionally detached, rule abiding student (read: son) grew up into a slightly less emotionally detached shell of a man. They're so proud. But seriously, they're incredibly grateful to Kakashi for taking their son in and caring for him as his own.

    Sure, they're jealous that Kakashi gets to raise their sweet boy when they never got the chance, but their gratitude won out. All they want now is for Naruto to grow up happy and loved.

  They get their wish.

{A//N: Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get some fluff and crack in before I demolish all of Naruto's hopes and dreams! This AU is soooooo original (note the sarcasm) but I honestly got really upset with how Naruto progressed in canon? So, I decided to give him capital t Trauma.

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