life's great mystery

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Two soldiers, one in orange armour, the other in maroon, stood on the roof of a base, the orange one turned to speak
"You ever wonder why we're here?"
"Didn't we do this a week ago?"
A drop pod fell through the roof of the base, soon after, another one fell through the roof of the base at the opposite end of the canyon, the soldiers went down, the pod door flew open as a soldier in magenta armour stepped out
"What the fuck? Where am I?"
"Uuuh, red base"
"How helpful"
He looked around, slowly piecing together where he was
"Is this blood gulch, are you privates Simmons and grif?"
"Yes and yes"
"Why am I here? The fuck is going on?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
He climbed up out of the pod
"I have no idea why I'm here, but I just feel wrong, I gotta go outside"
"Um, ok?"
Walked out of the base, taking a knee on a cap in the walls of the gulch
"Ld, you there?"
A stoney blue AI appeared
"Here, reluctantly"
"You have any idea what's going on?"
"My memory banks are vacant when it comes to the last forty eight hours"
"Ya kidding me?"
"I am not"
"Well, shit, what now?"
"We do the only logically thing we can"
"And that is?"
The AI turned to the beacon of smoke coming from the base at the other side of the canyon
"We investigate who else dropped into this canyon"
Jason slowly stumbled across the canyon, until a soldier in aquamarine armour shouted from atop the base
"Hey, so, we've had enough new guys around here, so could you just leave?"
"Who else is here?"
"Just a cranky asshole, a dumb asshole, and a smartass asshole"
"Can I meet this smartass?"
"Fuck no, you're a red"
"I'm purple, I'm honestly closer to blue than I am red"
"Well, still not letting you in"
He walked in, the soldier ran down to stop him, but he simply grabbed the soldier, and threw him to the side
"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
He kept on walking, at the back of the base, there were three soldier, one I'm blue, one in cobalt, and one in a dark, plum coloured armour
"Huh, so you're the other new guy, I'm ja- michigan, what's your name?"
"I'm cherry, it's lovely to meet you"
"You are so much nicer than the other people I've met"
The soldier in blue armour waved, despite the fact he was only a single foot away from the two
"I am caboose, and I am hungry"
"I guess I'm kinda hungry, you guys got any of those MREs with the little red stamp, those ones are delicious"
The cobalt soldier walked over
"Hey hey hey, you can't just walk in and start asking for food, you don't even know our names"
"Come to think of it, I'd like to know all your names"
"Well, I'm Tucker"
The cobalt and blue soldiers spoke up
"I'm church"
"And I am caboose"
"Yeah caboose, he knows, you told him like, five seconds ago"
They all walked inside to eat some of those good MREs

Second life: blood LinesWhere stories live. Discover now