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As much as she intrigued me I needed to arrest her and take her in for questioning

Confidently I opened my door. Stepping out the car. She didn't say a word.

I locked the car the took a deep breath before walking up to her. She stood up the moment I began approaching her

There was a light breeze, blowing strands of hair in her face. The light from my porch gave her a mysterious silhouette

The closer I got the less intimidating she was.

"evening" she greeted me, once I reached her. Her voice was strong and beautiful

"hello" I greeted back

There was moment of silence, a moment of me just standing in front of her.

She smirked then let out a little chuckle "no questions?" she asked, insinuating something

"no explanation?" I raised my eyebrows questioning

She stayed silent so I decided to head inside. Assuming she'd follow me and she did

The moment we were inside my house, I set down my files "want something to drink?" I offered heading to the kitchen

No response, so I turned around

She stood there in the dark. Pointing a gun at me. Discretely I reached for mine only to feel it missing

"looking for something" she smiled devilishly

I stood still. If she sensed any bit of fear she'd probably kill me

"drop my gun" I demanded her.

I raised my hands in defense, walking towards her slowly.

She watched me without saying a word. Why was she always so quiet

Eventually there was no distance between the gun and my chest

I placed both hands on the gun, slowly taking it from her. She didn't fight me

Being this close to her, I finally saw her face properly. She was gorgeous, unimaginably gorgeous

"My names Anastasia. Daughter of your most wanted criminal" she smiled before walking past me

She was what? She was a criminal?

I turned my face in disbelief

"you know I was sent to watch your every move. Apparently you're such a good detective you've become a threat to my dad and he wants to know everything about you" she said scanning my house

Why was she telling me this?

She didn't look like she was searching for anything but exploring. She then went to the kitchen.

I was trailing behind her in a distance, watching and listening to everything she said.

How can such an attractive woman be so dangerous

Then... She opened a cabinet and took out a glass. Walked across the kitchen to the back and found my winery. Usually people don't find it on they're first visit

It seems this wasn't the first time she'd been in my house.

Criminal LoverWhere stories live. Discover now