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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬❩


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REBEKAH CULLEN WATCHED AS THE TREES BLURRED BY IN A FLASH OF GREEN AS THEIR CAR FLEW DOWN THE HIGHWAY. Alice was driving, talking so fast that even Rebekah had trouble keeping up. Jasper sat in the passenger seat, nodding his head as he followed his wife’s conversation without saying anything.

So instead of engaging in the conversation in front of her, Rebekah chose to use this time to write in her journal - wanting to write down all of the trip that had happened so far. 

Location: Montana

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Location: Montana

We just left Montana and I never understood why anyone wanted to live here. But I do now. This place is gorgeous and I don’t think the stories or photos do the place justice. Yellowstone National Park is full of such beautiful terrain and delicious animals. 

While Alice was off shopping in town, me and Jasper decided to have a friendly game of hide and seek - which eventually just turned into chasing each other throughout the forests. It reminded me of when me and him first met. It was a day I remember fondly, even if it didn’t start out as the greatest day. But when everything was said and done, we gained two amazing new family members.

Jasper says that I spend too much time looking at the past like he is one to talk. But, I know he is just looking out for me - because that is what a big brother does. Ever since we met, Jasper has always had my back - and one day he had my neck.

When Bella had encountered James, Edward wasn’t the first person to get there.

I was. 


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REBEKAH WAS THE FASTEST CULLEN, WHILE HER BROTHER WAS THE STRONGEST. Edward could move with the ease of a panther, but the youngest Cullen had the speed of a cheetah on acid as her brother compared. When Alice informed them that Bella was gone, Rebekah took off in a blur. She had been with Bella, Jasper, and Alice in Arizona - and she wasn’t going to allow Bella to die, even if she wasn’t the biggest fan of the humans.

When she arrived at the scene, she wasted no time in taking James to the floor with a snarling growl. 

The tracker smirked at the brunette who crouched over Bella like a lioness over her cub. “Back off blondie.” She growled lowly, but James just chuckled, slowly walking closer to her. 

“The baby Cullen, here all alone. Where’s your big brother? Not here to protect you, just like he didn’t protect you when you were human.” Rebekah’s eyes widened, she hadn’t expected James to know so much about her family. 

“Oh don’t look so surprised, I know all about you and your pathetic Family. Maybe, when I am done killing you and the girl - I’ll kill that loving mother of yours. Esme, was it?” 

Rebekah let out a snarl and lunged at the tracker, only for him to jump out of the way. The two met in a crash as they slammed each other into the mirrors of the Ballet studio. She could hear Edward arriving and used his arrival as a distraction to throw James away from her.

Get her out of here Edward! I am right behind you!’ Rebekah screamed in her head and within a flash, the mind reader raced his bruised mate away, leaving Rebekah alone with the now furious tracker.

“Stupid move.” He hissed as he came up behind her and yanked her head to the side, crashing his teeth into her neck - ready to tear her head from her shoulders. 

But, it never came. 

Her neck was sore, and she could feel the venom slowly start to heal the cracks that had formed on her neck. She groaned in pain and held the healing bite wound when she looked over in time to see Alice tear Jame’s head from his shoulders while Carlisle and Emmett held his arms. 

“You’re okay, Bekah. You’re okay.” Jasper was beside her now, and it was then that she had pieced together what happened.

Her blonde-headed brother had arrived in time to save her from being decapitated, and although she knew it wouldn’t kill her permanently, it was still a scarring experience.

She shook silently as soft sobs bubbled in her throat, and Jasper didn’t waste another minute in wrapping her in a hug. “Shhh, I got you Bekah. You’re safe now.”

Jasper and Edward may not be my brothers by blood like Emmett is - but I love those two knuckleheads just as much as I love my big bear

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Jasper and Edward may not be my brothers by blood like Emmett is - but I love those two knuckleheads just as much as I love my big bear. I wish Edward was here, even though he does tend to brood too much for my taste. 

But, I think Jasper was right about taking this time to enjoy myself and I can’t see where we wind up next.

If I had it my way, we would be going to the Winchester mansion - I want to see a ghost, but Alice promised me that New Orleans would have enough ghosts to last me a lifetime.

Until then.

Rebekah Cullen.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora