Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Its only been two days since Izuku's debut and yet he was quickly raising in the ranks.
He always saved people, stayed with them until further help like ambulance arrived and the left. Never answered any questions or interviews because he didn't want to let his 'multiple quirks' slip.
While he didn't use any other his abilities other than super strenght and flight he still didn't want to risk anything.
He also carries around a little bluetooth speaker with microphone in his ear, connected to his phone thats hidden in his hero suit. In case Kashikoi-san or his mom need to call him.
Since Kashikoi-san always has an eye out for big villains attack he always calls Izuku while he himself flies around cities and patrols.
As he lands on a bulding Izuku took a breath and looked around, he heard some screams.
Looking down, using his enchanted vision,
He could see a two girls and one boy being held at gun point by a man with a riffle.
'How did he get such a firearm in Japan ?'
Izuku started slowly descending down while trying not to get noticed.
"HEY! Its Homelander!"
Someone from the crowd yelled.
'Well so much for trying not to get noticed.'
Izuku heard a click and he realized that it was the man's riffle.
'Damnit! I can't get down here fast enough!
I have to....'
Izuku looked at the gun frowing before his eyes lit up red.
As soon as the man was about to shoot a red ray hit the gun melting it.
The ray stoped coming from slowly descending Izuku's eyes and people around stared in shock.
Izuku landed looking around the crow before seeing the three that were held by the man.
The man was now sitting on the groud staring at the melted thing that once was a gun.
"You three okay?"
Izuku asked, a red haired boy spoke first.
"We are ! And damn that was so manly sir!"
A pink skinned girl with horns spoke next.
"That was co COOOL!"
The third, already familiar purple haired girl nods while smiling.
"We gotta stop meeting like this."
Izuku said jokingly to the girl who chuckled a little and nodded.
"Hang on, Jiro you know him?"
The pink skinned girl asked.
"Yea, he saved me from the slime thing.
Didn't you watch News?"
The pink girl shrugged.
"Nah, News aren't for me."
"Sir! May we take a manly picture?"
The red haired boy smiled while yelling, Izuku returning his smile.
"But of course!"
They postioned themself, for the pink girl be in the middle, red haired boy on her left, Jiro on her right, while Izuku was behind them holding them by their shoulders.
After the picture was taken Izuku started speaking.
"Ah, that picture looks nice."
A battle yell interupted him as the man from before charged at him with fist fist cocked.
Izuku without even looking used back of his hand to punch the man, pushing him onto the ground.
"Say what."
Izuku took something from his suit pocket and handed it to the red haired boy.
"Promise you'll send it to me."
The red haired boy nodded realizing that he just got a HERO'S card with his (hero)name and contact info.
"Also please you three, don't spread it around."
They nodded as cops arrived and took the guy away while securing...what was left of the gun.
"What are your names?"
"Eijiro Kirishima!"
"Mina Ashido!"
"K-kyoka J-jiro!"
"Well, you three remember stay safe and don't spread it around."
Said Izuku poiting to the card and winking.
Before he flied away.
After few mintues he was an old lady having a hard time crossing a road without semaforms.
He scoffed at the people in the cars before flying down next to the lady, he landed gently as not to scare anyone.
People around him pulled out their phones and started recording him as soon as he was visible to them.
Izuku held his hand out to the lady who smiled and took his hand.
Soon some cars stopped and Izuku started walking with the lady across the road.
"Some people they are, only stopping because someone famous is here."
Izuku said out loud.
"Don't worry about it dearie, i'm already used to this."
"Well you shouldn't be ma'am."
"Ah, leave it be young man."
They crossed the road and seperated.
"I have to go now, stay safe and i see you later!"
Izuku took of to the skies, not noticing the old woman looking at him.
"Hmm, Nezu was right. He does seem too young."
Recovery girl said to herself and walked away.
Izuku was flying around in the skies before his speaker ringed.
"Hello, Izuku."
"Ah, Kashikoi-san! Good day."
"Good day to you too Izuku, how is your day going so far?"
"Its good, been flying around saved some kids, helped an old lady."
"Good to hear! Just calling to check up on you."
"Thank you, as you hear i'm just fine!"
Izuku said as he landed on a high bulding.
"Okay, Izuku. Check on you later."
Before anything else could be said, the call ended.
Izuku's speaker beeped so Izuku took out his phone and saw a message.
It was the picture....but it was send in a group chat?
Rockhard: There's the pic!
Pinkie: Ei did you just make a group chat with a pro??
Punkgirl: He's probably not going to answer since he's busy anyways.
Izuku smirked a little setting his name as his hero name
Homelander: Who decided that ?
Punkgirl: Holy shit, he answered.
Rockhard: Hey manly hero!
Pinkie: Hiiii!
Izuku laughed a little seeing their reactions.
Homelander: Just on a break, Jiro is right tho, i do not think i'll be able to text much.
Pinkie: Thats fine! We get that you must be busy.
Izuku chatted with them for some time, before flying home as his today's job was done.

Izuku making friends with UA students.
Showing a new power to the public,
Izuku just being a sweet innocent boy....for now

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