Head Over Heels Part 2 (Stonathan)

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no TWs, I don't think? let me know if I'm wrong!
(also Spinal Tap is such a good movie)

Jonathan woke up to the sound of Steve Harrington snoring, which was a very unpleasant thing to wake up to- even more unpleasant than the time that Joyce had gotten him one of those rooster alarms.

He groaned and rolled over, and felt a sharp pain in his side.

"Fuck you." He grumbled, half-asleep, and sat up sluggishly.

It turned out the thing poking at his side was a  pair of scissors on his floor, and in retrospect, that was probably not a good thing to be laying around.

He got up and yawned- it was way too early to be up, as confirmed by the clock reading 5AM.

"Steve." He poked Steve's cheek. He didn't remember how the sleeping arrangements were made, but he was very pissed at Yesterday Jonathan for letting Steve have the bed and confining himself to be poked by scissors on the floor.

Steve let out a sleepy noise that sounded a little like "no."

"Steve. Wake up." Jonathan poked him again, impatient.

"Too early." Steve groaned, burying his face in the pillow he had his arms around.

Jonathan paused to stare at him for just a moment.

Steve Motherfucking Harrington is touch-starved. He chuckled to himself.

"You gotta get up. C'mon, you probably need at least a few hours to do your hair before work." Jonathan shoved his side.

"Sit on a dick." Steve spat, finally rolling over to look at Jonathan.

"Gladly. I need you to wake up for that, though."

Steve went red and sputtered "uh I mean I was just joking-"

"Kidding. You still need to wake up, though." Jonathan rolled his eyes.

Steve cleared his throat. "Uh... did I say anything embarrassing last night? While I was high? I have a tendency to say the worst shit when I get high."

Jonathan stared at him.

"I just… missed you.”

"In your defense, if it had been you in that window I would've done the same thing."

"Your hair looks super soft. And your glasses. Damn. I don't know why you weren't more popular in high school, because you're, like, hotter than me."

"Nope. Don't worry, you were totally normal."

Steve nodded, looking relieved. "Cool."

"Want breakfast or something? You've got five hours before you have to get to Family Video."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "How do you know my work schedule?" He teased.

Jonathan laughed. "I used to work there- I know when it opens."

"Yeah, suure, Byers," Steve chuckled and sprang to his feet, stretching out his arms.

Jonathan decidedly did not look when Steve's shirt rode up a bit, exposing a sliver of skin.

"So, what was that about breakfast..?"

Jonathan never thought in his life that he'd spend his Saturday morning eating omelettes at his kitchen counter with Steve Harrington, but apparently the universe had different plans.

He watched as Steve wolfed down the eggs, mildly amused and very concerned.

Steve noticed the staring. "This is so good," he whispered, mouth full.

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