Chapter 2 - Barrier destroyed

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I smiled at SMG3 who was just starting to regain his balance.  "Nice to meet you! And everyone else." I said, waving. I saw that more people were starting to regain consciousness and for some reason, I felt... good. They were having a lot of trouble actually standing up though so just to make sure it still works, I held SMG3's hand and transmuted my energy to help.

"What are you-" "Just using my energy to help you" I interrupted.

"Oh- thanks" he replied, smiling weakly. God he's cute- I mean cool.

I went around to each person to greet them and then help them using my energy. They are very interesting, like for example the OTHER SMGS HELLOOO??? And someone called 'Sa-ko' who looked cool, Meggy, Tari, pink haired dude, 'chub-jub?' and many others (very polite too might I add).

Well I'm glad everyone is safe, do feel a bit drained out of energy though but I am ok. Everyone was thanking me and I did feel special.

"Wait, so what universe did you come from?" SMG1 asked

"Uh... I've kinda been in this universe for as long as I can remember" I reply, kind of confused

"Right..." he said

"Oh yeah! Did you guys want me to try destroying the barrier?" I asked

"You can do that?" SMG4 replied

"Yep" I said. Maybe I'm the only SMG who has powers... doesn't make much sense though.

Everyone went silent as I approached the barrier. It's not the first time I've done this but this was going to be hard. I put my hands out only 1cm (0.5 inches) from the barrier and closed my eyes.

Here goes nothing.

I saw SMG6 glowing an orange/red colour as she kinda floated off the ground. The barrier started to fade but only by a little bit. Honestly, I can't believe that there's ANOTHER SMG and she just saved everyone from actually not existing. I must owe her A LOT.

"It's working!" Tari exclaimed

Almost... done... with... this... stupid... barrier...

But then I felt something I would never feel before. Felt like my body was... cracking? This can't be good. I could feel the colour draining from my face as I had a flashback to where... SMG5...

I can't go back there.

I need to FOCUS on what is most important right now. Figuring out how NOT TO DIE!!!

"SMG6!" someone called out "Please, come down, you're pushing yourself too far!"

"I t-think it's too late for that!" I responded, definitely showing some kind of worry in my voice. But using the last of my literal energy... I finally broke the barrier! I slowly floated down to meet the ground, the last thing I could see. However, I managed to hear:

"Oh god she doesn't look ok" and "Holy sh*t she looks SO CRACKED, she's so lucky!"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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