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Nobody's POV

"Why is he back?" " Why after so many years, why?" "After everything that happened" "Everything he put HER through, put ME through, put US through" "Why? Why? WHY?" Those were the though going through Boboiboy's mind as he kept on walking. He didn't know where he was going or why he was going there. He just needed to be anywhere but there with him.

His mind was too occupied to even think about anything other than everything that happened 5 yrs ago. When he was just 11 yrs old and had just returned from Tok Aba's home. He was happy, very happy. He wanted to tell his family about all the things he did while at his grandfather's and all the friends he made, along with his adventures with said friends.

Then, when did it all go wrong? When did his happiest moment become his worst nightmare? It was just one moment but that one moment destroyed everything. That one moment cursed his whole world.   

Boboiboy was walking with tears in his eyes not caring about his surroundings.  When he reached a dead end. It was a place from where one could view the stars and the galaxy. It was a breathtaking view. One that people would love to see all the time.

Boboiboy looked out the stars that were lighting the black galaxy sky. For other people the stars lighting the black galaxy sky would have been very beautiful view. But for Boboiboy it was nothing. Even when the stars were lighting the galaxy with their shine.

Boboiboy felt as if he was looking at nothing but darkness. But the question was whether the darkness was outside him or inside. Deep within his heart. All the stars in the galaxy combined couldn't destroy the darkness that he was seeing and feeling.

After all there was only one star that could light up his world, his galaxy, and his life. But that star was taken from him a long time ago. She was the most precious star in his world, his galaxy, and his life. But she was taken from him because one person couldn't fulfil his promise.

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