" Don't you dare talk like that with Hana or any of them " His words were snake like, venomous and soul piercing.

" You don't know me Min Yoongi, you don't have any idea of the power I hold. Believe me love, my fingers are itching to strangle you to death " My dark chuckles echoed throughout the silent room as my fingers traced the vein popping up in his neck .

" You know it's my fault only, I let myself fall for people like, lowered my standards so you could fit in, trusted you. I shouldn't have done any of it " I looked up at Jin but like Hoseok's his eyes didn't meet mine.

" Especially you Jin, I slept with you, I let you take such a precious part of me, I'm disappointed in myself. Soulmates or not you guys are absolute dickheads " I chuckled as I stood in front of the group, keeping my head high.

" You don't fucking deserve me , I'm sure you know it too "

" Now you'll tell who you hired for this stalking "


My suspicion shaped into surety when he told me the names. I used to think losing someone you love hurts the most but it's not that , trusting someone with the deepest and most vulnerable parts of you, watching them love every unlovable pieces you have hidden, slowly falling in love with them and then suddenly when you realise it was all a lie, it hurts the most. Much more than a few complex sentences can describe.

Afterall, all that glitters isn't gold .

I didn't understand how I got the strength to continue, maybe it was because of Stella. Her unconditional love and support always pumps inside me, it flows through my veins reminding me that I'm confident, loved and wanted. Reminding me that I'm everything that I need myself to be .

If I never met her, I would've never ended up like this. Stella made me who I am. She shaped Andrea Cullen to be her best self. She gave a rebirth to me .

She gave me her heart and in return I gave her my soul.

I knocked at his door, I thought I would be nervous, having a breakdown but it never came. I'm broken as hell, trying my best to pick back the shattered piece yet I feel the strongest I've ever felt before. I know I can do this, I believe in myself.

" Andrea! " The moment the door opened his body crashed into mine. I could feel the warmth in it, I could feel the love blooming between us and I know that he could too .

" I can't believe it, are you okay Cullen? "
His arms were wrapped around my form as I breathed in his cinnamon musky fragrance. I could see us in the reflection of his window, we fit perfectly together, like we are made for each other. He rested his forehead against mine, eyes closed he just stood like that, taking in my sudden presence.

" I missed you so much Andrea, I was scared, I thought you left me forever. I don't want that Cullen. The deafening silence of your absence rings loudly in my ears, it makes me insane " He was looking right into my eyes, and I think that's when he saw that I knew something I shouldn't have .

" I know Ayden " My lips touched his forehead in a feather like kiss , and then I did something I have no explanation for.

My lips travelled down, leaving kisses all along his cheek before finally claiming his lips in mine. There was no hesitation or nervousness in him, instantly he kissed back with a passion that's overwhelming. One of his hands rested in my spine while the drew circles on my nape. As an instinct my hands flew into his blonde locks deepening the kiss. It was enchanting and so was Ayden Jones.

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