Rhett paced in the lobby as he listened to the elevator music coming through his phone. They put him on hold. Shiloh is in there dying and they put him on hold. He couldn't be more frustrated with this family. Finally, the music ended. "Hello, Mr. Vega what can we do for you?" Rhett could tell by the voice, the man was Shiloh's father.

"Shiloh's been shot in the chest. He's lost a lot of blood, I'm not sure what the status is yet. We're at St. Jane Regional." Rhett's voice held panic as he watched Malin get dragged through the double doors by a rushing nurse.

A scoff came through the phone, "With that blood type of his he won't survive. It's a miracle he made it this long, but I can't say I'm surprised he fucked up. I'll prepare a new guard for you. I'll call you when he's ready." Rhett tried to speak. Tried to ask how he could possibly say such things, but the sad excuse of a parent continued to talk. "And we'll do a full month free for Shiloh's error and the issues he's caused. The new guard will take care of whatever he has at your house." Before Rhett could get a single word out there was a click and the phone went silent. He had hung up.

Rhett was even more confused than he was when he first made the call. The only thing he knew was he hated Shiloh's family with a passion. They obviously didn't care for the boy, if they wouldn't, then he and Malin would.

Rhett made his way to the desk, he needed to find out where everyone went and make a plan. "Malin is being prepped for blood transfusion. Shiloh should be out of surgery soon and then they'll both be set up in a room." The nurse's voice was calm.

"Will I be able to sit with them?"

"Yes, that'll be alright. I suggest getting you all an overnight bag though. With the amount that Shiloh has lost and Malin's history, I don't think you'll be leaving for some time. There's a convenience store next door that should have everything you need." Rhett looked down at his topless torso and back up at the nurse, who blushed as she followed his line of sight. "Let me grab you a scrub top real quick." It didn't take her long to grab an uncomfortable paper shirt, but Rhett slipped it on and walked quickly out of the hospital to get some things together. It took him about a half hour to gather a couple of sets of clothes, some bathroom supplies, drinks, snacks, phone chargers, and a deck of cards. Another ten minutes later and he wasback at the hospital and finally being led into a large room with a spot empty for Shiloh's bed and Malin laid out in another already filling a bag.

"Hey, love. How're you doing?" Rhett put most of the bags on the couch before approaching the bed.

"I'm okay, they said Shiloh should be out soon." Malin gave Rhett a tired smile. "They already have a bag, but they think he'll need three in total."

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up a bit and into comfortable bottoms." Malin pouted at him. It wasn't often that Rhett got to care for Malin. Regardless of the effects from his injury, he was insanely independent. Malin let him wipe him down with baby wipes before they worked together to remove his stained slacks and boxers before sliding on a new pair and some basketball shorts. When Rhett was satisfied with Malin's state he sat back in a chair next to the bed.

"Is his family on the way?" Malin lightly held Rhett's hand as he watched the man's face darken in a way he had never seen before.

"No. His father basically said he wouldn't survive because of his blood type, apologized, and said he'd have another guard ready." Malin let go of Rhett's hand and fisted the blankets instead as he processed the information.

"So none of them are coming? They're only worried about their business." Malin practically growled out the questions. He had always been the more hot-headed of the two and Rhett knew nothing he said would calm the man, so he just nodded his head in response. "We will care for him until he heals and then he can decide where he wants to go from there. We'll have to tell him his father's reaction eventually." Rhett stayed silent, only nodding his head in agreement as his lover ranted. He suddenly went silent for a moment, "I want a new security company." Malin's voice left no room for argument.

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