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Mariah Miller

"Make sure you answer every question accurately and to the best of your knowledge. This is a very important test."

I gulped before taking out my laptop to begin. This was actually a very important test and was worth about 30% of my grade.

But I couldn't concentrate.

I stayed up all night thinking about Zach. I only slept for three hours before just agreeing to stay up for the rest of the night after my failed attempts to sleep.

I never talked to a boy before and didn't know it'd be this draining, but at the same time, something never felt so good.

I still haven't texted him yet, but I had a plan I'd do it tonight. I didn't know what I'd say quite yet but I didn't want him to lose interest in me even though I wasn't putting in the effort to show him that I was even interested in him.

"Mariah, is there something so fascinating on the board?" My daydreams stopped as my eyes reverted to my teacher who was staring at me with the meanest glare.


"Then start the test and stop staring at it!"


"Why is it so hard just to send one text message?!" I screamed quietly to myself while reading the same text over and over that I was trying to send to Zach.

"Mariah dinners ready!" My mom yelled from the other side of the door. I had no appetite since all I was worried about was him but I knew I couldn't make it obvious to my mom that he was on my mind.

I turned my phone off leaving the unsent message on the typer and ran downstairs to my designated seat at the table.

The amazing-smelling shrimp tacos sat in front of me as my mom served herself and my father. They both sat and began to eat their food as I just took small bites of mine. I was full already.

"Riah you need to eat. I know you're hungry after school"

"I and Destiny actually went to eat before I came home. If you'll excuse me I-I have Calculus homework to complete"

I grabbed my plate and wrapped it with foil to put in the fridge for later, and I ran up the stairs. Closing the door behind me, my phone was still waiting there for me to send the text.

Without any more stupid anxiety and hesitation, I just did it.


I felt relaxed and relieved. I was finally able to peacefully take a shower and have a cup of green tea... But unfortunately, I still didn't get a text back.

He probably forgot about me. Or maybe he was just playing a game with me.


"I didn't think you'd ever talk to me again Zach. I thought you forgot about me."

It was the next day and I was laying in my bed with my legs under the covers, power puff girls on my Tv on mute while I was on the phone with Zach.

I didn't hear from him since last night, and a few minutes ago instead of texting me back he just called me. I was so happy when the phone rang and I knew I looked desperate to answer the phone so fast, but I'd been waiting on hearing him for 24 hours. It was hard to eat, sleep, and focus on school.

"No love, I didn't forget about you. I've been busy lately"

"Busy? Busy with work?"

"Yes sweetheart, it's been rough the past few days" I wish he'd told me what he did, but the last time I asked he told me I wouldn't know until later, but when was it going to be later?

"Well I hope it gets better"

We both got quiet, neither of us knowing what to talk about next. I especially didn't know what to talk about since I wasn't even close to his age.

"Mariah who are you on the phone with?" in a panic I hung up and looked at my mom who just entered my room.

'I-It was Destiny! H-Her boyfriend was telling me about a surprise he was planning for her birthday"

"Why would you have her boyfriend's number Riah?"

"Mom we're all very good friends. We always hang out together" That was a lie, I hated him.

"Okay then? Are you able to do the dishes before you go to bed sweetie?"

"Y-Yeah no problem"

She smiled and left the room. The panic butterflies were still floating around in my tummy. What would Zach say about me just hanging up on him?

I hurried and texted him.

Sorry an incident occurred
I didn't mean to hang up on you

It's ok doll
We can talk another time

"Why did my mom have to ruin it" I whined quietly getting up to do the stupid dishes. I never had a boy talk to me before and now that I finally do, everything has gone wrong.

I angrily walked down the stairs and got started on the dishes and afterward made a bowl of strawberries to eat since I hadn't eaten today. I went back to my room and plopped on my bed.

I just wanted to talk to Zach.

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