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Mariah Miller

"Why were you sitting out here all alone? If I was a bad person I could've kidnapped you" My eyes widened and I tensed up. "No no I'm not saying ill kidnap you" He chuckled. "I'm just curious as to why you're outside by yourself when all the funs in there" I didn't understand why I was trusting this man, but it was something about him...

"My friend is in there with her boyfriend and she's paying me no mind, and then there's a group of boys sitting next to me who can't seem to be quiet!" I said the last part a little exaggerative but I needed him to know how upset I was. I snuck out and I'm not even having fun. It was a waste. I didn't even enjoy the movie that was on.

He just started laughing, this wasn't funny. "Those guys are my friends I bet. Are they wearing mostly black?" I nodded and glared at him for having annoying friends. "Stop glaring cutie, don't worry, they're cool when you get to know them" I felt my cheeks heat up from the nickname, I've never been called that before. Jesus, I've never even spoken to a boy before.

"How'd you get here? I'll walk you home if you didn't drive" I smiled, I felt like I couldn't tell him no. I didn't feel threatened by him or anything, I just didn't want to disappoint him. "I actually walked here, I'm usually not out this late"  He stood up and stuck his hand up to help me off the bench. He was tall, probably 6'2 or 6'3. I was intrigued for the first time in my life, and I didn't know why I was. "I walked too, but my friends will manage to walk by themselves"

I took his awaiting hand and got on my feet chewing down on my bottom lip. He removed his black zip hoodie and grabbed my arm putting on the hoodie for me, not forgetting to pull the hood over my head. I felt silly with his big sweater on and couldn't help but giggle.

"I know you were cold so don't say you weren't. Now Lead the way" Was this real? I knew nothing about this man, and I was trusting him enough to bring me to my home. I'm normally not this gullible. I was never this gullible.


"Do you smoke?" He asked as he pulled a cigarette from the box. I shook my head no, I always swore to never smoke. "That's good, keep it that way" He didn't have to tell me twice. "Oh shit, I'm so stupid. You don't even know my name" He chuckled and lit his cigarette, taking a puff before blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.

"Zachariah, just call me Zach. My name sucks" I thought his name was cute. "I'm Mariah, but everyone calls me Riah" He took another puff from his cigarette. "I'm not calling you that" My eyebrows scrunched together. "Why?" "Because I have other names up my sleeve" He smiled, and I could only roll my eyes. "Like what?"

"Cutie come on now, I've been giving you names all night. Now tell me, how old are you?" That question struck me like lightning, I knew he wasn't in high school. He was obviously a grown man, a man who had no business fooling around with someone my age but I was going to turn 18 in another year. A little white lie was nothing that bad right?

"I-I'm 18, and you?" I instantly regret lying to him, but forget it. I'll never see him again. "I'm 24, I knew you were young but damn, 18?" I nodded and smiled. I was stuck on believing that tonight would be the only night I spoke to him and I most likely would never see him again. This lie wouldn't last long. Only tonight.

"Well Mariah, are you in college or anything?" My brain fumbled around different lies, why was lying so difficult? So I decided to use the best excuse I could think of. "I'm actually still thinking of what I wanna go for" Nice one.

"Well if you don't mind me asking what are some ideas?" My cheeks turned red. "I like animals, I was thinking of a veterinarian!" He chuckled and moved some of his short hair out of his eyes. "That's cute, I could see you doing that" I felt so bad lying to this man, but what else was I supposed to say?

"What about you? Do you have a job?" His face fell into a small smirk. "You may find out one day, but today's not the day"


We talked for the next 30 minutes until I realized how close we'd gotten. I immediately stopped in my tracks causing him to stop as well. "Something wrong Sweetface?" I couldn't let him drop me off at my house, he could wake up my mom or she might see him through the security cameras. This had to end here.

"Um- you can drop me off here. My mom doesn't want me to bring any more boys home anymore" Anymore?! What's wrong with me tonight, Jesus. "I mean- She never wants me to bring boys home at all-" he nodded, I could tell he was a little saddened. "Oh, I see"

"Thank you for walking me home and making sure I got here safely, that meant a lot" and before He could say anything more, I turned around and began my walk home. I could feel him staring at me walk away like he was burning holes in my back.

I enjoyed my time with him but knew I had to cut it short before he felt some type of way about me, but for some sick reason, I wanted to see him again even though I knew we couldn't.

I really hoped to see him again.

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