Chapter IX: Seek. Sought

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Having dinner with the Idiot, as we're seated at the ends of the rectangular table. I didn't give him any eye contact but I can sense that he's staring at me.

We're eating dinner quietly that we could only hear our spoons and forks clinking on the plate.

Why does it have to be this awkward?!

"I'm going home tomorrow" I said and looked at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and said, "why?"

I want to get out of here! I don't want to be with you!

"Because I need to get my clothes. I don't have anything to wear" I lied. I made it as an excuse to go home.

"I think you don't need to. We're going to the mall tomorrow morning for shopping. Just remember the things you need" he smiled to me warmly, his eyes fixated on me. "Don't worry about the expenses, it's on me. Love"

My heart skipped a beat after hearing that endearment. It sounds pretty good coming from him. It's so perfect that it's like music to my ears.

I just nod naturally

He smiled genuinely, "good" his eyes gleaming with... Joy?



Wait. I gave in again. Shit! I was supposed to get out of here and i'm like being a sissy girl, enchanted by him.

I sighed in frustration.

"I'm done with my food, i'm not hungry" i said dryly.

"You ate only 1/4 on your plate. You should eat, it's not healthy" he scolded.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Since when do you have the right to tell me what to do?" I scoffed. "I'm going up. Don't bother me tonight, I still need to cool my temper"

He had his sad face on and just nodded.

I placed my dish on the sink and went straightly up to the room which is awkward to call as my room.

I lay on my bed thinking about my father. I miss him so much. And i'm gonna start this revenge thing, tomorrow.

I yawned and my eyes went heavier until they're closed and I fell asleep.


I woke up 4 in the morning. And went down as quietly as I can.
As all of you didn't know. I'm going to start seeking vengeance.

I went out of the door making sure I wouldn't make a sound so he wouldn't wake up. I successfully did it, But. When I looked around, this pack's field is pretty big. Like 3 times bigger than ours. This is awesome.

Anyways. I ran towards the woods, took of my clothes and shifted. I brought my clothes along with me.

As I'm wandering the woods. I remembered one place. There's this waterfall and I remembered that It's the place where I first encountered my mate in his wolf form. And the day when my Father died. I felt enraged with the thought and went running to where I'm heading.

The Rogues' Land

I went there as fast as I could. I want to get back to Scott's pack house before he would find out that I'm not there. He might come looking for me and I'm pretty sure of that. He might ruin my plan.

I arrived near their territory. I went behind a tree and shifted back to human form and put my clothes on. I walked up to their land until I smelt their scent. I was one step away in entering but there's one big Brown Wolf who jumped infront of me. I didn't flinch since it would make them think that I'm weak. He was growling at me, knowing that i'm an intruder.

Many wolfs emerged out of nowhere and surrounded me. I felt nervous but I'm doing my best to hide it.

"I need your help" I said.

The one in front of me stopped growling, but still giving me a dangerous glare.

"I want you guys to shift so that we could talk this out"

I think they're having their mind link since they were silent for a while and they all went behind a tree and shifted. Of course they came out with their clothes on.

"Why are you here on our land?" Said the one whom I believed to be the Brown wolf. Maybe he's been served as their leader since he's the one who's really upright of all of them. He's the leader but not their Alpha since rogues doesn't have their Alpha and it's just a pack of wolves who are abandoned or they ran away from their pack.

"I'm here to ask you in helping me seek vengeance for my deceased father. The Alpha of the Crimson Hollows Pack" I said, trying to make my voice sound strong which I successfully did.

"A Daughter of the Alpha" he smirked as he went near me, circling around me which made me feel uneasy but I'm putting my guards up. I should look strong. "Why would you run to us if you have your own pack?"

"I'll discuss the details to you if you're gonna join me or not"

He chuckled, "and what would be the benefits if we help you, dear?" He caressed my right cheek with the back of his hand. And I slapped it away.

"I'm going to let all of you guys join my pack" I said leniently. And all of them widen their eyes in surprise. For sure they've been wanting to be in a pack but people are too focused on them being a rogue that they're bad and they kill.

"Y-you'd do that?" He asked with wide eyes.

I just nod and grinned.

"Deal" he said and I smiled really wide.

"Good. We'll start training tomorrow" I shook his hand

"I'm Lina"

"I'm Perry"

I nod. "I better leave before my mate would look for me"

"Okay. We'll see you here at the same place tomorrow"

I waved to all of them then went back to the pack house as soon as I can.


That's Chapter 9 guys :)

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