11. Half a Year

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🦋6 Months Later🦋

🦋Julies POV🦋

As I wake up, I smile. Today's the big day. I hear a knock on my door and Dad, Flynn, Aunt V, and Carlos all sing as they walk through my door, Oh great...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Julie
Happy Birthday to you

Flynn and Carlos jump in front of Dad and Aunt V and continue the song with jazz hands...

And many more on Channel 4 and Channel 2 with Scooby-Doo!

I lick my lips and nod, "You sang it wrong I think but thanks anyways. Can I get ready for school now?" They all nod dissapointedly and I sigh, "Look, guys. I'm excited that it's my birthday, I am but it's just not the same without mom...sorry to ruin it." Like everything else I touch...

They give a smile and shake their heads as Dad speaks, "No, you didn't ruin it, dahlia. We understand." I nod and they all leave. I take a deep breath and look to my dream box. I get up and walk over, taking Luke, Reggies, and Alex's letters out and tracing their names with my fingers. Me, Reggie and Alex haven't talked since Luke left. I see them at school though...Alex is of course friends with Carrie and is dating Willie and Reggies with Kayla. I'm glad they are happy but...

I'm alone...it's doesn't matter...they don't care so why should I? I just need to focus on getting Luke back. Caleb hasn't visited me since that night so I don't know how Luke is doing...I hope he's okay. I hope he didn't give up...

I sigh nervously and pick out my clothes. I turn on old school music from the 60s to the 90s to now. Starting with The Twist by Chubby Checker.

Eventually it gets to Michael Jackson and I dance through my room and down the stairs with my bag, phone, and headphones in tow

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Eventually it gets to Michael Jackson and I dance through my room and down the stairs with my bag, phone, and headphones in tow.

I walk to the kitchen, Hit the Road Jack plays by Ray Charles and everyone gathers in and stands around the island as Dad comes in with a cake and 16 lit candles spread around on it. He sets it on the counter and I take a deep breath and close my eyes and think of a good wish...

I wish my mom didn't get sick and Luke is happy wherever he is...I hope I get to see him sometime soon.

I blow out the candles and everyone cheers. Dad drives me and Flynn to school and as we get out, I walk over to dads window and he opens his door to give me a hug. "Love you dad. Thanks for the cake and the amazing birthday song." He nods and speaks as he closes his car door, "You're welcome my little dahlia. Your mom would be so proud of you..."

I give a smile and wave at him as he drives off. Me and Flynn walk to our lockers and see Alex and Carrie chatting as they look over. Surprisingly Carrie isn't giving me dirty looks. She gives a small smile and so does Alex. Reggie walks passed me and Flynn with Kayla and they both give a smile and a wave towards me and Flynn and we do the same. Reggie never gave me dirty looks, and neither did Alex but Carrie always gives me dirty looks...it's kinda my fault though...I'm the one who stopped talking to her. We both love music and since I was losing my passion for it and Carrie's passion only grew, I couldn't take all the stress of mom's death and Carrie's constant talk of music. It was all me and my mom talked about...so I just left Carrie and when Flynn followed me, Carrie was all alone...so yeah. It's my fault she doesn't like me.

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