10. Home Sweet Home

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As I walk behind Alex, Reggie, and Julie on our way home, I keep my shaking hands in my pockets. Why am I so freaking nervous?

I zone out trying to keep my mind off everything...but it doesn't work when Reg slings his arm around my shoulder and talks, "Hey, Luke...can we watch Star Wars so I can see Jar Jar?" I shrug, "I don't care Reg. I'm not living with you anymore and I'm not your parent. Do what you want." I keep walking and he stands there and looks to Alex as I walk off down the road toward my house a couple blocks away.

When I get to my front porch, I let my bag drop to the ground and I plop down on the porch steps and comb my hair back off my forehead and let it fall into a mess. I hear the front door open and I sigh as I turn around to see Mom.

"Honey? What's wrong?" I shrug, "Nothing...I'm just tired..." I stuff my hands back in my coat pockets and mom sits down on the steps beside me, "Baby, you're lying...you know I don't like when you lie. Please tell me whats really going on. Is it the kids at school? Are you getting nervous again?" I turn to look at her. "How did you know about that?"

She smiles, "You are my son...I know some things about you. It's called having anxiety...everyone has it, some people have it worse than others...like you and your friends have more anxiety than Bobby...you're only 17 baby...being around people 25 years ahead of you and all the people you grow up with are 25 years ahead of you? That has to be hard...I'm so sorry you have to go through this but you can't let it pass you by, even though you'll be around forever...you're gonna miss these moments and wonder why you didn't pay more attention and live wild and free like you wanted to back then. Be a kid...not an adult. Just because you're supposed to be an adult...doesn't mean you have to be now...you need to act 17 to believe you're 17. That comes with anxiety about your peers and about them being mean. You're the bravest person I've ever met except your friends. You are so brave Luke. You used to be so passionate about music...even in those videos I've been watching, you still had a strong passion but now that this ghost has ruined your plans of playing music...you quit having that spark in you...this isn't about kids at school...is it?" And she finally catches on...crap. I gulp down my fear and speak, "No, it's not about the kids at school...they are apart of it and you are right about them being ahead of me but theres another ghost above Caleb...they call him Mr. Congeniality...he is not nice mom...he wants me to ditch the boys at the club and go on tour with him and do a solo career with him and Caleb..." Tears well up in my eyes as I look ahead of me to see Alex, Reg, and Julie stand up from behind the same bushes I was behind when I ran away from home.

I scoff and bite my tongue as they come out, Alex and Reg start yelling and I just sit there and stare at them. "HOW COULD YOU LUKE!? YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS ARE YOU!? YOU'RE REALLY THINKING ABOUT DOING A SOLO CAREER WITH THEM!?" Alex shouts first. Next is Reg, his words actually hurt me, "You said you'd always be there for us...some friend you are...traitor." My blood starts to boil and mom has to hold me back as I start yelling, a lot louder than them. "REALLY!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME REG!? YOU'RE CALLING ME A TRAITOR!? SOME FRIENDS YOU ARE...I'M NOT TAKING THE DEAL...THEY ARE MAKING ME DO IT. YOU REALLY THOUGHT I WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO TAKE A DEAL FROM THE TWO GHOSTS I HATE THE MOST!? WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO JULIE OVER THERE AND FORGET ABOUT ALL THIS...forget about me. I can't get out of this. I'm sorry but it's obviously not my choice so you can be mad at me all you want. I'm done getting yelled at for something I have no control over...have fun with Nick, Julie. I can't do this anymore. It's too much pain." I turn around and mom let's go of me as they all watch me leave. As soon as I close the front door, tears fall down my face as I look over and see my dad with none other than Bobby staring at me. I scoff and Bobby speaks but I hold my hand up, "I don't wanna hear it...if you wanna steal more of my songs, just come and get em'. I'm done with it all so just do what you want. I could care less. Have fun with that helicopter with your freaking face on it...just know you could have gave that money to people who deserve it...you sure don't...song stealer."

☆The Battle of You and Me ☆ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin