3. Step Into My Memories

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As we watch Julie smile at the picture of her and her mom, we hear a familar voice that makes my skin burn with rage.

"Hello, boys. Ready for tonight?" We all turn around and look down at none other than Nick/Caleb.

"Screw you and your stupid club. Make us visible to Julie. Better yet, give us our lives back. Set us free." I say, my blood boiling and my jaw clenched.

Caleb laughs using Nick's body. "NO. You had your chance to come play with me and still see your precious Julie as long as she stayed inside the club too. You turned me down, remember...I gave you two choices while I waited for nick. Either you leave Julie and come play for me...or you come play for me and she gets to come too and stay with me forever. You told me no." He raises up in the sky as his eyes turn a bright white as he says the last "no." He almost looks blind all except for his black pupils.

Reggie speaks and I smirk at his rough tone, "We aren't doing anything you say. You're hurting Julie more by keeping us away from her." Alex speaks up too, "Yeah and what's up with you wanting us so bad? What are we gonna give you that you don't already have yourself?" Caleb smiles, "Youth...Power...Recognition...I could name things all day, boys." I look back at Julie and see her go through more things.

"How does she not know you're here?" I ask him as I turn back around to face him. He shrugs, "My power...duh." I nod, "Well if you can make yourself invisible to Julie...Why can't you make us visible to her? That doesn't add up to me, Caleb."

Caleb laughs once again, "I never said I couldn't make you visible to her...I'm not going to." I scoff, "Well then you don't get your precious band."

He snaps his fingers and we all scream, "NOO-" When we poof back in, I look around to see darkness...I look for Alex and Reggie, "Alex! Reg! CALEB! I'M GONNA RE-KILL YOU!"

I slap myself on the head a couple times and rub my face. WHY DID I SAY THAT? I'M SO STUPID! NOW JULIES PROBABLY IN DANGER!

I sit on the floor and hug myself as I look around. I look up and see nothing but it feels like a light is shining on me...but there's no light anywhere...

I get up and walk around. Still no light but there's a light above me but there's no light bulb or anything to insuate there's a light...that made no sense...

I groan and pull my hair and slap my head again. "Come on, Patterson. Think of something. You're alone so that means Alex and Reggie have to be in a room like this. Oh man, Alex is probably crying his head off and Reg. Poor Reg is scared to death no doubt. He hates being alone in rooms. It reminds him of being alone in his room when his parents were fighting.

I don't like not knowing where I am. At least in that room I had Reg and Alex, now I have no one. I tap my foot on the floor as I try to take a deep breath.

Suddenly I hear a voice and look around quickly. "You must be Luke...The famous Luke Patterson...well town favorite Luke Patterson anyways...you didn't really reach outside of Los Angeles." The voice gets closer and I turn around to see a brunette curly hair older version of Rose.

"Rose?" She gives me a shocked look, "You remember me?" I nod, "Yeah...is that shocking to you?" She shrugs, "Most people don't remember me." She says calmly with a bit of confusion in her voice.

I smile, "Well, Julie, Carlos, and Ray remember you. Sunset Curve remembers you...you're the only one who actually took our merchandise that night...we found all 49 of our shirts on the pavement outside...it sucked seeing people just discard and ruin our stuff like that...it took us forever to get those shirts." She smiles, "Of course I kept it. You really thought I was gonna wipe the tables with your one of a kind shirt? No way. I wore that shirt the next day and Julie loved that shirt when she was little...she doesn't remember it though I don't think."

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