4. Your Shadows

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🦋Julies POV🦋

As I look around and see everyone's gone except Caleb. My mom appears and watches me closely as she speaks to Caleb sternly. "Let her be a kid for goodness sakes Caleb. She did nothing to you. She just wants her friends back. Find another band." Caleb turns to Rose and snaps his fingers and she dissapears.

He turns back to me and gives a devilish grin, "So, now that we are alone...why do you want the boys so bad?" Caleb asks as I glare into his eyes.

I don't speak. I have nothing to say to him. He pouts, "What? Nothing to say? How rude of you Julie. I offered Luke to take you with them to my club...you'd love it there but...he said no. So, this is why I'm doing all this...now tell me, why are you trying to get them back so bad?"

I speak softly, "Screw you." He gasps, "Julie! That is no way to talk to a respected ghost. You take that back." I give a little aass, "Um, no."

He glares at me, as I speak, "How about you tell me why you want my bandmates so bad?" Caleb rolls his eyes, "I hate repeating myself...Youth, Power, Recognition, your buddy Alex asked the same thing in the loft..." Caleb says, uninterested.

I tilt my head, "Really? So I assume you read my plan?" His eyes snap to me and he smiles, "Well yes I did and need I say, you have terrible leadership skills...no wonder Luke is the showrunner." I laugh as I walk closer to him, "Yeah and that's why you need teenagers to keep you young and give you more recognition. News Flash buddy, no one remembers you so why do you even try?"

Caleb smiles and shakes his head, "I don't need lifers to remember...I need the dead to keep coming back. Come on Julie you should know that with Luke and the others coming back to you so much. The only difference is your alive and I'm...not." He gives a devilish smile and I roll my eyes.

"I'm taking your precious boys with me...whether you like it or not-" I smirk and look behind him. Caleb's smile drops as he turns around and sees Luke, Reggie and Alex...and so do I.

Alex's drums appear in the darkness and he starts playing the beat to Stand Tall. Reggies Bass appears in his hands and he gives a goofy smile as he waves at me and I wake back.

The last person I look to is Luke as his guitar appears and he glares at Caleb. Reggie plays his bass to Finally Free and Luke plays his acoustic to Perfect...Perfect Harmony. He found it...oh no.

My smile drops as I watch his smile grow. "It's okay Juls. I know it's not about Nick." Him and the boys laugh and I smile and roll my eyes and cover my face.

Suddenly more music appears I've never heard of and Luke starts playing to it, doing a guitar solo like it's his second nature. His solo is awesome but his face says he's scared as he looks to his clothes and they change to a blue suit. I look to Alex and Reggie and they scream as theirs changes into Red and Pink suits.

Caleb laughs, "How do you like my new band, Julie?" He laughs louder and suddenly I wake up, I sit up in my bed and pant as I see Flynn, Carlos, and my dad comforting me.

"What day is it?" I ask, eagerly. Dad gives a confused look, "Saturday..." I sigh out of relief. It wasn't real...I look down and see my hair and clothes are sopping wet. Crap...it was real...

Dad and Carlos give me a sympathetic look as I speak, "Do you remember?" Dad nods, "The boys figured out they could be visible to you if they focus hard enough. I can't believe me and Carlos were the last ones to know, Julie." I nod, "I know I'm sorry Dad I just didn't want to get in trouble...and I didn't want you to think I was delusional and send me back to the therapist." He nods and hugs me as Carlos and Flynn join in. "I'd never think that my little dahlia..."

☆The Battle of You and Me ☆ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant