Chapter 14: Trust Or Don't Trust

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It's been an hour and a half since we dropped the boys at their respective houses after the roadtrip has ended. The girls and I decided to have a Girl's Day because we've got a lot to catch up on with each other. We stopped by Starbucks first before driving to the shopping mall to shop until we drop.

"Please, Katherine", I begged. "You said you'll tell me on how you ended up with Jackson!", I whined. Githa simply rolled her eyes at my childishness.

"Fine fine, geez", Katherine laughed. "I didn't know that you'd be so interested with my love life", she said.

"Girl, you made her interested", Githa interrupted. "This one's on you", she said with a 'meh' face. Katherine ignored Githa and filled me in with all of the details, even the juicy ones.

According to Katherine, she and Jackson met by lake for 5 times. From then on, the both of them felt this built up tension between them. Soon, Jackson expressed his feelings to Katherine and she happily accepted it.

"So, you're telling me that you fell in love with Jackass because you met him by the lake for about 5 times? Well, how romantic", Githa said and sipped on her pumpkin spice latte.

Katherine then cleared her throat before putting her best 'so done' face. Oh, I love it when she does that. It just means that she loves us!

"Objection, your stupid honor", Katherine rolled her eyes. "Firstly, my boyfriend's name is Jackson and secondly, aren't you the girl who fell in love with Viraj through first sight?", she asked and crossed her arms.

"Don't you dare bring my love life, you witch on a dragon!", Githa fought back.

"Then, you should've never talked about mine, you pumpkin spiced thickhead!", Katherine yelled.

Wow, I could never put these two together, could I? Such a great Girl's Day. Note the sarcasm.

Thinking that their fight would last for only 2 minutes, which did not! I slapped the both of them as that has been the only method so far that could stop them from arguing.

"Girls, there are boys here! You're making us look like idiots!", I whisper-yelled.

"It sucks to hear this but I have a boyfriend", they both said simultaneously then glared at each other.

This day just keeps getting weirder and it's still morning!

"Well, I don't. So, zip it", I said and continued to admire the handsome guys in the coffee shop.

Why do all the handsome guys come to a coffee shop? Oh, who am I kidding? They probably come here to show off their attractiveness and to woo the people. Not that I would mind though.

"What about Lashven, cupcake?", Katherine asks as she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Hm? What about him?".

"I can sense the magical chemistry between you two", Githa said and playfully winked. Instantly, I shot her a dangerous glare.

I looked back to where those handsome guys were but I was taken aback when those fine men had disappeared. I growled in anger.

"Amazing work, Githa. You just woken up the ferocious tiger", Katherine told and looked through the Starbucks menu to order more drinks.

"Er ha ha ha", Githa laughed nervously. "Now now, Radha. I-I'm elder s-so you must respect---". I slapped her cheek, scratched her arm and pulled her hair.

This is what she gets!

I straightened my dress and sat back on my chair with a wicked smile. Githa was still recovering from my torture that was given to her for free and Katherine is currently sipping on her third Starbucks drink.

I let out a laugh when I found our situation too hilarious. Why does it always end up like this? Me punching and destroying Githa because of something stupid she would say or do while Katherine just watched everything like it's the national news.

"This is not funny", Githa said with her eyebrows crossed.

"You did order the usual", Katherine laughed, leaving Githa to snort at her comment.

However, I have to admit to myself that I didn't call them to have a Girl's Day for fun. Okay, maybe a little bit of fun but I also did it for a reason. A reason in which I need opinions from the both of them. How do I even bring this up?

"Something wrong, girlfriend?", Githa asked. I guess I didn't have to bring it up at all because my best friend forever just gave me a grand opening. I didn't think I would ever say this in a lifetime but I'm damn grateful to Githa.

" see...the thing is um...", I started but I wasn't able to complete my sentence.

Use your words, Radha! What are you, a toddler?

"I issues with Lashven", I said in a tiny voice.

"That's what got you so worked up about?", Katherine asked.

"S-sorta....yeah", I answered. Githa then put her arm around my shoulder and rested her legs on the table.

Oh no, here comes Counselor Githa.

"Honey bear", she patted my back. "You should be an open book! Not a closed one. If you're a closed one, how would one even get through a chapter? Open the book and you can finally finish the book", she said and I stared at her face, confused.

Was she talking in a coded type of sentence?

"Oh my god, you precious munchkin. She means you should just open up to Lashven", Katherine smiled at me. Oh.

"I um...don't know how?", I replied and that somehow made Katherine to smile wider.

"First, learn to put your trust into him. Second, you don't have to immediately open up to him about the big problems you have. Start with the small and little ones", Katherine winked and gave me two thumbs up to cheer me up.

"Aww, thanks girls", I said and hugged the both of them. There's no doubt that they are the best partners I could ever ask for.

Once, no friends. Twice, the friendship zone seems like a dead end. Thrice, we found each other, the friendship bond got stronger and we became best friends forever!

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